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Archivos de Etiquetas | Inmigrantes

CFP: 2nd ENQA Workshop – The pasts, presents, and futures of queer mobilities, Budapest, 7th-8th of September, 2017.

The pasts, presents, and futures of queer mobilities: transnational movements of ideas, concepts, and people 2nd Workshop of the European Network for Queer Anthropology (ENQA) 7th-8th of September, 2017 – Central European University, Budapest Mobility is a foundational element of queer life, queer ideas and concepts as well as of queer scholarship. As such, queer […]

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Gender Forum

CFP: “EnGendered Borders”, Special Issue of Gender Forum.

    Call for Papers EnGendered Borders In a 2016 music video, “Borders”, the ever-controversial M.I.A., herself a Tamil refugee, comments on the gendered aspects of Western anxieties in the on-going refugee ‘crisis’: images of endless masses of all-male refugees of colour resonate with right-wing myths of uncivilized brown invaders, stealing jobs, raping white women […]

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Resultado de imagen de Gênero e migração

CFP: Simposio “Gênero e migração”, 56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Salamanca, 15-20 julio de 2018.

El Comité Organizador del 56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) invita a la comunidad académica a participar en el encuentro que se celebrará en la Universidad de Salamanca el 15 al 20 de julio de 2018. Bajo el lema «Universalidad y particularismo en las Américas», esta edición del ICA llama a la reflexión sobre la […]

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Resultado de imagen de Contesting whiteness at its intersections: European racial formations

CFP: “Contesting whiteness at its intersections: European racial formations”, Special issue of Dutch Journal of Gender Studies.

Call for Papers – Dutch Journal of Gender Studies Special issue: Contesting whiteness at its intersections: European racial formations Call for Papers Guest Editors: Jovita dos Santos Pinto (University of Bern) and Elisa Fiore (Radboud University), and dr. Katrine Smiet (Radboud University/Utrecht University). ‘Europeanness’ is often uncritically associated with ‘whiteness’. In the rhetoric and imagery of […]

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Resultado de imagen de Call for papers: Intimacies online, online intimacies

CFP: “Intimacies online, online intimacies”, Roskilde University, Denmark, May 30th– June 1st, 2018.

Call for papers: Intimacies online, online intimacies We are delighted to announce this international conference about intimacy online, digitally mediated intimacies and how intimacies influence (new) mediascapes. Online media are increasingly intersecting and intertwined with our daily lives, bodily and intimate practices, and relationships. This conference highlights how different digital, social and online media enable and/or produce new […]

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CFP: "Sites Queer: Technologies, Spaces and Otherness", San Juan de Puerto Rico, February 7-9, 2019.

CFP: “Sites Queer: Technologies, Spaces and Otherness”, San Juan de Puerto Rico, February 7-9, 2019.

Sites Queer: Technologies, Spaces and Otherness 07.02.19 February 7-9, 2019 9AM-5PM @Auditorio Jesús Amaral, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Much of queer theory, history, art and performance have been discussed from Anglo American and European perspectives. Sites Queer is an international, interdisciplinary three-day conference exploring the multiple ways in which LGBTQ+ spaces and […]

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Resultado de imagen de Workshop “The Fertility of Migrants and Minorities”

CFP: Workshop “The Fertility of Migrants and Minorities”, 6-8.02.2017, Hannover, Germany.

The Fertility of Migrants and Minorities 6.2.2017 – 8.2.2017 Leibniz Universität Hannover  Call for Papers In the current age of migration, immigrants substantially shape the size and age structure of receiving societies, but there is also the question to what extent their fertility and the fertility of subsequent migrant generations matter for future population developments. […]

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Resultado de imagen de Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala

CFP: 1er. Congreso de Estudios lnterdisciplinarios de Género, Tlaxcala (México), 15-17 marzo de 2017.

La Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala a través del Grupo de Investigación en Estudios de Género de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, la Maestría en Estudios de Género de la Facultad de Trabajo Social, Sociología y Psicología de la UATx, la Secretaria de Autorrealización y la Secretaria Académica de la UATx, el Seminario Permanente “lo local y […]

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Journal of Feminist Family Therapy

CFP: Refugee Families, “Journal of Feminist Family Therapy” Special Issue.

Journal of Feminist Family Therapy: An International Forum Call for Submissions Deadline: 30 June 2017 Special Issue: Refugee Families According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, we are witnessing the highest levels of human displacement on record with an unprecedented 65.3 million people exiled from their homes. Of this number, 21.3 million are refugees who flee […]

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Resultado de imagen de Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype

CFP: “Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype”, Università di Bologna, 25-27 ottobre 2017.

CALL FOR PAPERS “Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype” Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì, 25-26-27 ottobre 2017 Congreso internacional organizado por MeTRa, Centro Studi interdisciplinari sulla Mediazione e la Traduzione a opera di e per ragaze/i. Los campos de investigación del Centro MeTra son múltiples y abarcan desde […]

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