Call for Papers On the Politics of Ugliness, forthcoming from Palgrave Macmillan, is looking for pieces to complement our existing chapters. On the Politics of Ugliness looks at ugliness as a socio-political category that operates in relation to ableism, racism, sexism, settler colonialism, fatphobia, heterosexism, transphobia, ageism, and health imperatives as a form of visual […]
Novedad bibliográfica: “Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge”, de Melissa Adler.
Adler, Melissa: Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge. Fordham University Press, 2017. Cruising the Library offers a highly innovative analysis of the history of sexuality and categories of sexual perversion through a critical examination of the Library of Congress and its cataloging practices. Taking the publication of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s Epistemologies of the Closet […]

CFP: “Necro- and biopolitics of HIV”, Somatechnics special journal issue.
Somatechnics presents a thoroughly multi-disciplinary scholarship on the body, providing a space for research that critically engages with the ethico-political implications of a wide range of practices and techniques. The term ‘somatechnics’ indicates an approach to corporeality which considers it as always already bound up with a variety of technologies, techniques and technics, thus enabling an […]

“Debates insubmissos”: nueva revista de estudios críticos.
El Centro Acadêmico do Agreste de la Universidade Federal de Pernambuco va a publicar una nueva revista de estudios críticos, Debates insubmissos, que nace de la necesidad de articular un conjunto de voces que apuntan a la construcción de una relación más democrática entre conocimientos, articulando saberes académicos con saberes de luchas colectivas por justicia social y educación. […]

Periódicus lança chamada de textos para dossiê sobre crimes de ódio.
Revista Periódicus A Revista Periódicus é uma publicação semestral de divulgação científica do Grupo de Pesquisa CUS – Cultura e Sexualidade, criado em 2007 e vinculado à Universidade Federal da Bahia, ao Instituto de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências Professor Milton Santos, ao Programa Multidisciplinar de Pósgraduação em Cultura e Sociedade e ao Centro de Estudos […]

CFP: “Queer Theory and Criminology”, special issue of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Criminology and Criminal Justice - Queer Theory and Criminology Queer theory and criminology share an interest in questions of deviance and normativity, formal and informal social control, ‘othering’, social marginality and social harm. Arguably, the regulation of sexual behaviours and gender performance has been an enduring concern in both domains. Despite this, theoretical and empirical work […]
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Entradas recientes
- CFP: V Seminário Internacional Enlaçando Sexualidades, Salvador da Bahia, 6-8 setembro de 2017.
- “La doble transición”, un libro de Raúl Solís en busca de financiación.
- CFP: “Exploring the Emergence of Moderate Feminism(s) in Contemporary Organizations”, Special Issue of Gender, Work and Organization.
- CFP: “La ‘ideología de género’ y la religión”, dosier monográfico de la revista “ex aequo”.
- CFP: Jornadas sobre educación, género y nación en México (siglo XIX y primera mitad del XX), México, 15-17 noviembre de 2017.
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