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Universidad de Salamanca
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Queering Paradigms IV: una crítica postcolonial del activismo queer y la producción de conocimiento.

Queering Paradigms IVLewis, Elizabeth Sara; Borba, Rodrigo; Fabrício, Branca Falabella; Pinto, Diana de Souza (eds.):  Queering Paradigms IV:  South-North Dialogues on Queer Epistemologies, Embodiments and Activisms. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Lang, 2014. X, 396 pp., 2 tables. ISBN 978-3-0343-1823-5.

South-North Dialogues on Queer Epistemologies, Embodiments and Activisms is composed of research presented at the fourth international Queering Paradigms Conference (QP4), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In line with the QP project ethos of bringing together diverse epistemological and geographical allegiances, this volume intends to contribute to building a queer postcolonial critique of the current politics of queer activism and of queer knowledge production and circulation. However, rather than perpetuating the North-South dichotomy, the papers gathered here are an effort to establish global dialogues that crisscross those axes, as well as attempts at queering epistemologies, socio-political bonds, and bodies, embodiments and identities. They endeavour to trouble unequal geographies of knowledge – namely the North as an exporter of theories and the South as their importer; the North as a producer of knowledge and the South as its object of study – hosting enormous potential for reinvention.

Contents: Branca Falabella Fabrício/Rodrigo Borba/Elizabeth Sara Lewis/Diana Pinto: Introduction: A Queer Postcolonial Critique of (Queer) Knowledge Production and Activism – Richard Miskolci: Queering the Geopolitics of Knowledge – Larissa Pelúcio: Possible Appropriations and Necessary Provocations for a Teoria Cu – Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira: When Theories Travel: Queer Theory and Processes of Translation – Cassie Peterson: Bloodless and Lawless: Queering «Family» in Social Work Discourse – Luciana Lins Rocha: Queer Literacies in the Brazilian Public School EFL Classroom: Performing Action Research – Bex Harper: British Heritage Television: Reconstructing Queer Desire in Daphne (2007) and The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister(2010) – Alexander Vasilovsky: «Say ‘Yes’ to Communities of Resistance»: Queer Canadians Problematize Psychology’s Explanations of Gay Male Body Dissatisfaction – Maria Katharina Wiedlack: «My Anger Is a Legacy»: Queer-feminist Politics of Negativity within Contemporary Social Movements – Chris H. Reintges/João de Deus Gomes da Silva: The Legal Debate on Same-Sex Civil Unions in Brazil: The Construction of Equal Citizenship within a Socio-Cultural Context of Heterosexism and Homophobia – Joseph Jay Sosa: Marijuana is a Crime but Homophobia is Just Fine!: The Scandalous Logics of Queer Solidarity – Elizabeth Canfield: Homonormativity and the Violence of the Geographic Solution – Elena Kiesling: Multiple Identity and the Performance of Community: The Intersections of Ethnicity and Sexuality within the Queer Community – Thamar Klein: Queering Biopolitics: Normation and Resilience of South African Trans*-Gendered Citizens – Osmundo Pinho: The Black Male Body and Sex Wars in Brazil – Florian Vörös: Raw Fantasies: An Interpretative Sociology of What Barebacking Pornography Does and Means to French Gay Male Audiences – Hugh English: Trans vs. Homo: Negotiating Borders of Gender and Sexuality in Mid-Twentieth Century Transsexual Autobiography – Annie Wilkinson: Transgressing Transgenders: Exploring the Borderlands of National, Gender, and Ethnic Belonging in Ecuador.

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