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CFP: “Between Cultures and Transitions: Gender Perspectives in Youth Studies”, AG About Gender – International Journal of Gender Studies.

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AG About Gender, International Journal of Gender Studies is a peer-reviewed international journal which aims to be a reference point for scholars, academics and non-academics engaged in research and reflection on gender, with an interdisciplinary view. AG intends to enhance the dialogue between interpretative approaches and different analytical perspectives. AG is published every six months in Italian and English and proposes both theoretical and empirical original articles, essays and papers (see also Section Policies).

AG About Gender accepts contributions on any topic from any field, provided both their theoretical and empirical analyses are based on a conscious and articulated gender perspective. The capability of utilizing the gender category as a key to the analysis of social, historical and cultural phenomena is in fact a crucial element in the evaluation of the papers received.

AG is an international Journal, online only, which aims to stimulate debate and encourage international dissemination of published contributions. Access to contents is free but subject to compulsory registration. The registration aims both to monitor the accesses and to provide information to registered users.

AG About Gender, International Journal of Gender Studies is partner of Sociologist for Women in Society and ATGENDER.

Scientific committee and editorial board: [read]

See Contribution Guidelines at this link: Author Guidelines




Between Cultures and Transitions: Gender Perspectives in Youth Studies.


Edited by: Sebastiano Benasso (University of Genoa), Helena Helve (University of Tampere) and Maurizio Merico (University of Salerno).


The call Between Cultures and Transitions: Gender Perspectives in Youth Studies aims to make a contribution in terms of application of the gender perspective as a dimension through which to overcome the “traditional” boundaries between the strands of cultural and transitional Youth Studies.

Thus, this issue of the Journal focuses, first, on the way through which the gender dimension has been approached within the Youth Studies tradition and, second, on the contribution of the gender perspective to contemporary research on young people, youth cultures, life courses and generations.

The papers must be written in one of the two languages – Italian/English – in which the journal is edited, and sent within the deadline of the 31st October 2017.

Read the call: Between Cultures and Transitions: Gender Perspectives in Youth Studies.

See the Authors guidelines for proposal submission.
For further information please contact:

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional