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Universidad de Salamanca
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Call for Guest Editors of Feral Feminisms.

La imagen puede contener: rayasCall for Guest Editors! / Ongoing

Feral Feminisms, an independent, inter-media, peer reviewed, open access online journal, invites proposals for special issues. Feral Feminisms takes the feral as a provocative call to untaming, queering, and radicalizing feminist thought and practice today. It is a space for students and scholars, artists and activists, to engage with the many sites and problematics of feminism – as understood broadly and across disciplines, genres, methods, politics, times, and contexts. Each issue of Feral Feminisms builds around a particular thematic, compiling diverse creative, queer, and always feral responses to the calls for papers.

We invite proposals from both individuals and groups at various career stages and especially encourage students, activists, artists and independent scholars to submit.

Guest editing an issue of Feral Feminisms involves developing a Call for Papers, selecting submissions to send to peer review, communicating with contributors and the Managing Editors, and writing an introduction for the issue.

We are seeking an array of special issue proposals, which will engage with feminisms in all their manifestations and articulations. We especially encourage submissions that engage with feminisms in relation to:

  • anti-racism, postcolonialism, decolonization, Indigenous studies, and/or critiques of setter colonialism;
  • neoliberalism, corporatism, gentrification, privatization, and militarism; and/or
  • trans* studies, queer theory, and critical sexuality studies.

We are particularly interested in issue proposals that envision incorporating literature, poetry, visual art, and film, as each issue consists of written and visual work.

Interested guest editors should submit a proposal of 500 words outlining the proposed theme and vision for the special issue, a title, and the issue’s relevance to the aims and scope of the journal, as well as a 2 page curriculum vitae and/or link to your portfolio.

Please direct inquiries and submissions to the Managing Editors of Feral Feminisms, Amy Verhaeghe, Sharifa Patel, and Sandy Da Costa (feralfeminisms [at] gmail [dot] com) with the subject heading “Guest Editing Proposal.”



Feral Feminisms publishes full-length academic essays (about 5000 – 7000 words), shorter creative pieces or cultural commentaries (about 500 – 2500 words), poetry, photo-essays, short films, visual and sound art, or a combination of these. We welcome submissions from students, artists, activists, and established academics. We especially encourage graduate students to submit.

Submissions are subject to a two-tiered process. Guest Editors review all submissions and select for peer review those submissions that best fit the aims and scope of the issue. Subsequently, pieces under consideration are subject to double-anonymous peer review, are reviewed by peer reviewers, and receive collegial feedback on their work.


Each issue of Feral Feminisms builds around a particular thematic curated by the guest editors and therefore only accepts submissions relevant to currently open call(s) for papers. When submitting, please attend to the following:

>We only accept submissions in electronic formats: Written submissions should be in Microsoft Word. Image submissions should be in jpeg, attached to the email containing the submission, with a maximum file size of 1 MB per image. Film submissions should be uploaded to Vimeo with a link to the film provided in the submission email. If you are interested in submitting a film or multimedia piece and have questions, please contact the Managing Editor(s) [feralfeminisms[at]gmail[dot]com]. All art and non-text based submissions should be accompanied by an artist statement of at least 500 words that outlines the goals of the work and how it engages with the relevant CFP.

>Email submissions to the current Guest Editor(s) (see contact emails as per the relevant CFP) and to the Managing Editor(s) of Feral Feminisms [feralfeminisms[at]gmail[dot]com].

>A separate document with the contributor’s name and email, affiliated school or organization (if applicable), a 100-word abstract, and a 60-word biography.

>FF does not use footnotes. Notes must be inserted manually at the end of the text.

>All references should be embedded in the text (Author Year, Page) and accompanied by a “Works Cited” page, following the current Chicago citation format.

>For written submissions, prepare your file as follows: 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins. Times New Roman. 12pt font. Double spaced. Include page number in header. Headings should be bolded and in sentence case.

>The author(s) should ensure that their name does not appear in the manuscript or creative work, or in the text in a way that will compromise the anonymity of the peer review process. Citations to an author’s/authors’ own works should be made in a way that does not compromise anonymity.

>Previously published written work (articles; commentary) will not be considered without the permission of the Managing Editors.

>Do not simultaneously offer your article to another publication. The author(s) always retains copyright of their work. The author(s) may republish their work provided they request permission from the Managing Editors and agree to acknowledge that it initially appeared in Feral Feminisms.


Feral Feminisms is an independent, inter-media, peer reviewed, open access online journal. The copyright for each article, video, artwork, or image belongs to the author(s) of the work or piece and is published in the journal, Feral Feminisms,under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. This license allows others to share the work, for non-commercial purposes and without derivation, with an acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal. The content of each work represents the original work of the author(s). Any third-party content is included when the author or creator has provided the required publication permissions.

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