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CFP: FWSA Biennial Conference 2017, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 6th – 8th September.

Resultado de imagen de Making space for feminism in the neo-liberal academy

FWSA and University of Strathclyde invite researchers from all areas and disciplines (Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, Health, etc.) – academic or otherwise – to submit proposals for the Feminist and Women’s Studies Association (FWSA) biennial conference 2017. (Download call for proposals here)

Extended Call for Papers deadline: March 24th, 2017

Conference Theme

Making space for feminism in the neo-liberal academy

In recent years the academy has gone through massive changes, which can be attributed to the desire to internationalise, globalise and marketise higher education, implementing neo-liberal approaches and producing neo-liberal staff-student subjects. Such ideologies have led to transformations that permeate not only academic work but also shape academic trajectories, feelings and identities. The conference aims to discuss such issues by creating a forum to debate current issues surrounding the future of academia and discuss how and where feminist research is impacting practice and policy and where practices and policies are driving new research.  What pressures, tensions and failures might be felt in differently inhabiting academia?

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Professor Kalwant Bhopal, Professorial Research Fellow , Centre for Research in Race and Education, University of Birmingham, UK

Professor Mary Lou Rasmussen, Professor of Sociology (Gender, sexuality and education), Australian National University Res-Sisters Panel, The Res-Sisters are a feminist collective of nine early career academics working broadly within the sociology and cultural studies of education and youth. The group’s collective interests include challenging inequality both within and outside of academia, resisting the neoliberal agenda and making space for alternative voices to be heard. We have published in

Res-Sisters Panel, The Res-Sisters are a feminist collective of nine early career academics working broadly within the sociology and cultural studies of education and youth. The group’s collective interests include challenging inequality both within and outside of academia, resisting the neoliberal agenda and making space for alternative voices to be heard. We have published in Being an Early Career Feminist Academic: Global Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges (eds Rachel Thwaites and Amy Pressland; Palgrave ) and Discover Society . You can read more about us here. Performance Talk on

Performance Talk on Feminist Spoken Word Practice by Katie Ailes Katie Ailes is a poet and scholar based in Edinburgh. Her research focuses on the performance of authentic selfhood in contemporary U.K. spoken word poetry. An active spoken word artist, Katie placed second in the 2015 Scottish National Poetry Slam and has performed across the U.K She organises, composes, and performs with the spoken word collective

Katie Ailes is a poet and scholar based in Edinburgh. Her research focuses on the performance of authentic selfhood in contemporary U.K. spoken word poetry. An active spoken word artist, Katie placed second in the 2015 Scottish National Poetry Slam and has performed across the U.K She organises, composes, and performs with the spoken word collective Loud Poets. She is currently co-piloting the Scottish Poetry Library Ambassadors programme, having co-edited the anthology Aiblins: New Scottish Political Poetry in 2016. Her first collection, Homing was released in 2015

The conference is open to researchers, practitioners, activists, policy makers and members of the public interested in discussing feminist scholarship in light of a changing educational environment in neoliberal times with the purpose of influencing the future of education.

Conference topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Feminist pedagogies, potentials and problems
  • The academic precariat: early-mid-established career trajectories
  • Gender, race and class in the academic labour market: getting in and staying in?
  • Academic freedom and failures in neoliberal times
  • Education, activism and policy futures
  • Educational (im)mobilities
  • Emotional existences into and out of academia
  • Transnational alliances, praxis and coalitions
  • Feminism and information literacy
  • Feminist digital technologies in education and/for civic engagement

Presentation types

We invite 4 main types of conference presentations: papers, workshops, performance and exhibitions, and posters.

  • Paper presentations report on empirical and/or theoretical research (20 mins +10 mins Q&A)
  • Workshops are activity based and aim to involve participation from the audience. (60 mins)
  • Performance and exhibitions including art exhibitions, installations, music, dancing or acting. The abstract should include the time required and any special requirements for space, equipment or seating arrangements.
  • Posters are limited to a maximum size of a single A0 sheet.


Proposals should be submitted to on a completed submission form  by 3rd March 2017.

Submission deadline extended to March 24th, 2017.


Postgraduate students who require funding to attend the conference*, should tick the appropriate box in the submission form. The reviewers’ panel will select up to 5 submissions to be awarded a conference bursary.  The selection will be based on the quality of the research submitted and its relevance to the conference.


Registration will open in May 2017.

Registration fees are inclusive of lunch, snacks and refreshments during the 3 day conference, delegate pack and 1 evening conference dinner.

  • Early Bird Registration Fee (until 30th June 2017): £230
  • Full Registration Fee (after 30th June 2017): £260
  • FWSA Members Registration Fee: £170
  • Postgraduate Students Registration Fee: £170

For accommodation suggestions please click here. We advise early accommodation booking as there are several events taking place in the city during the week of the conference.

Wine reception ( hosted by Glasgow City Council) and conference dinner will take place in September 7th in Glasgow City Chambers.


For further information please email Cristina Costa at or Yvette Taylor at

* There will be 5 bursaries available for unfunded postgraduate students who will be able to apply for the bursaries when submitting their abstracts to the conference (see submission form). The bursaries include conference fee and £50 towards travel expenses.


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