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Universidad de Salamanca
Campus diverso
Blog de recursos interdisciplinares para una universidad no heteronormativa

CFP: Sexuality Studies Association Toronto 2017 Femme Theory Panel.

Resultado de imagen de Femmes in Queer TheoryWe are proposing the panel “Conceptualizing Contemporary Femme-ininities: Femmes in Queer Theory” for the Sexuality Studies Association conference at Congress in Toronto next year. The dates of the conference are May 27 to 29 at Ryerson University. We are looking for one other participant to complete our panel. Some ideas we are exploring are:

·      Is there a place in queer theory for thinking about femininities?

·      How can queer theory productively take up femme?

·      How can we use queer theory to think about femmes as subversive?

·      Femininity as currently measured against masculinity, rather than taken seriously on its own and in its own right

·      Femininity only considered to be subversive when it is loud, brash and visibly excessive

·      Soft femme

·      The new field of critical femininity studies
If you would like to be a part of this panel please send a 100-150 word abstract of your paper to by Tuesday December 13th 2016.
For more information about the conference, including the original CFP, visit:

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