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First Scientific Transgender Health Journal Coming Soon.

A peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal focusing on scientific and clinical studies to advance understanding of the health issues faced by transgender people will be launched this fall.

Transgender Health , published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., will be an open access journal and will cover topics such as disparities in treatment and barriers to care, sexually transmitted infections and preventive measures, and best practices, protocols, and guidelines to ensure optimal care.

Robert Garofalo, MD, MPH, professor in pediatrics-adolescent medicine and preventive medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago, is the new journal’s editor in chief.

“It’s a real honor to have been selected to be the editor in chief of this journal in this moment in the history of the healthcare needs of transgender people,” Dr Garofalo told Medscape Medical News.

“From my perspective, it’s the right time for a journal of this nature to step forward and try to forge a position for itself in the academic literature,” he added.

“There’s a tremendous, for the lack of a better word, movement afoot to better understand the health needs and healthcare disparities that affect transgender people, and by and large, there’s not a lot of avenues for specific academic publications for this particular population.”

“So for the publishers to carve out a niche specific to transgender health makes a lot of sense at this point in history.”

Filling an Unmet Need

Jordan Schilling, director of Open Access Publishing, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, noted that recent publications by the National Institutes of Health, the Institute of Medicine, and the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union have encouraged greater focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health equity.

“We envisioned a timely, international journal that would focus on publishing peer-reviewed articles dedicated to addressing the healthcare needs of transgender individuals throughout the lifespan and identifying gaps in knowledge, as well as priority areas where policy development and research are needed to achieve healthcare equity,” Schilling told Medscape Medical News.

“We decided that Transgender Health should be open access so that everyone can freely read and disseminate the research…. We anticipate that Transgender Health will further the transgender healthcare movement and foster more research, as well as funding, on an international scale,” he added.

Dr Garofalo noted that along with having a medical and clinical focus, the journal will emphasize surgical procedures and outcomes that are currently underrepresented in the literature.

“That could be anything from paradigms of care to specific healthcare outcomes of treatment protocols,” he said, adding: “It could be case reports of specific treatment options that people have pursued, and it could hopefully include long-term outcome studies, which are almost entirely missing from the public literature outside of some small groups in Europe.”

“For instance, in the United States, there have been very little, if not zero, outcome-driven data on long-term outcomes for many of the hormone protocols that exist for transgender people. So hopefully there’ll be more and more of that going forward,” he added.

Fuente: Medscape Medical News.

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