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Universidad de Salamanca
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Blog de recursos interdisciplinares para una universidad no heteronormativa
Archivo | enero, 2015
Hispanic (LGT) Masculinities in Transition

Hispanic (LGT) Masculinities in Transition: las representaciones e intersecciones de la masculinidad y las minorías sexuales en España (1970-1995).

Mérida-Jiménez, Rafael M. (ed.): Hispanic (LGT) Masculinities in Transition. New York (etc.): Peter Lang, 2014. 202 p. ISBN 978-1-4331-2410-5. The objective of Hispanic (LGT) Masculinities in Transition is to investigate the cultural representations/intersections of masculinity and sexual minorities (lesbians, gays, and transgenders) in Spain between the passing of the Law of Social Dangerousness and Social Rehabilitation (1970) and the […]

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CFP: Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Special Issue on Understudied Populations.

CFP: Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Special Issue on Understudied Populations.

Call for Papers Special Issue on Understudied Populations Sexual and reproductive health services are most effective when tailored to the specific circumstances of particular populations. To that end, much research and programmatic effort has gone toward understanding the behaviors and service needs of teenagers, members of racial and ethnic minority groups, and socioeconomically disadvantaged men […]

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VI Aula de Debate de Jóvenes Investigador@s en Temáticas de Género – Call for papers.

El Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, por sexto año consecutivo, organiza la VI Aula de Debate de Jóvenes Investigador@s en temáticas de género 2015. Estas jornadas están dirigidas a jóvenes investigadores/as que realizan actualmente o han realizado recientemente su investigación doctoral o trabajo fin de máster en […]

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Novedad bibliográfica: "Trans*exualidades: acompañamiento, factores de salud y recursos educativos", de Raquel (Lucas) Platero.

Novedad bibliográfica: “Trans*exualidades: acompañamiento, factores de salud y recursos educativos”, de Raquel (Lucas) Platero.

Platero, Raquel (Lucas): Trans*exualidades: acompañamiento, factores de salud y recursos educativos. Barcelona: Bellaterra, 2014. 440 p. ISBN 978 84 7290 688 4. ¿Qué es la transexualidad?, ¿es una enfermedad?, ¿los menores que no conforman las normas de género, serán adultos transexuales?, ¿todas las personas trans tienen una trayectoria vital similar?, ¿cómo se puede combatir la transfobia? En este […]

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CFP: 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly, LGBTQ Users Special Interest Group.

 IFLA World Library and Information Congress 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly 15-21 August 2015, Cape Town, South Africa   Call for Papers LGBTQ Users Special Interest Group Theme:  Developing Equitable Access for LGBTQ Library Users According to the Lyon Declaration, sustainable development must take place within a human-rights based framework, which relies on equitable access to […]

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CFP Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture.

CFP Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture.

Call for Papers Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture is a refereed academic journal devoted to the study of representations and expressions of queerness in its various forms. It aims to publish cutting-edge, peer-reviewed scholarship on noteworthy topics at the intersection of media/popular culture and queerness in gender/sexuality. Its contents are international in scope and […]

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