Se presentan aquí solicitudes de propuestas e invitaciones a participar en diferentes proyectos, congresos y actividades de investigación, tanto pasadas como actuales.
Propuestas e invitaciones actuales
Solicitud de propuestas – IATIS 2018 | Call for Participation – Usability Study (información solo en inglés)
Solicitud de propuestas para el 6º Congreso IATIS (Hong Kong, 2018)
Está abierta, hasta el 15 de julio de 2017, la solicitud de propuestas de comunicaciones para el 6º Congreso de IATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies), que se celebrará en Hong Kong entre el 3 y el 6 de julio de 2018. El tema de este congreso será “Traducción y movilidad cultural”.
El 18º bloque temático del Congreso estará dedicado a los Estudios de localización orientados a la traducción, a propuesta del grupo de investigación Cod.eX, que también lo coordinará. Invitamos a todas las personas interesadas en este ámbito a que presenten su propuesta de comunicación.
Descripción del bloque temático (en inglés)
Translation-Oriented Localisation Studies (TOLS): New Trends, Future Challenges
The idea of localisation as a merely business-driven activity to reach international markets, as was the case when it emerged in the 1980s, has traditionally moved certain scholars to regard it as a separate area of knowledge from the already well-established Translation Studies. Over the last years, however, technology has dramatically shaped not only the translation profession in terms of processes, as reflected in the recently published IATIS Yearbook (Kenny 2017), but also regarding the nature, form and context of reception of the texts and products that need to be rendered multilingual, predominantly digital. Within this digitalised space, the boundaries between translation and localisation are now more blurred than ever, as the ultimate goal of the latter is to overcome communication barriers (linguistic, cultural and technical) facilitating a successful access to and user experience with multilingual content in digital, interactive and online platforms and devices.
Translation-Oriented Localisation Studies (TOLS) seek to provide an answer to this new reality by defining localisation as a translation-oriented technology-intensive task. In other words, TOLS’ approach to the localisation of digital products is two-fold: (i) it takes into account the concerns and the analytical aspects of the translation profession and discipline –the study of the product, process, function and applications of localisation, the cultural and linguistic transfer, and the communicative action; and (ii) it integrates, at the same time, key concepts and best practices from neighbour technical disciplines, including Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)-related fields, which are gaining ground as essential disciplinary companions (Torres del Rey and Rodríguez Vázquez 2016). In this context, we will promote discussions about cutting-edge theoretical and/or empirical research work covering new trends in the localisation profession (technology, products, processes) or addressing the challenges that these may lead to in terms of localisation training, knowledge and know-how, translators’ identity, socio-professional position and (dis)empowerment, localisation professionals’ social and cultural goals, and the target end user experience.
This panel will welcome contributions on (but not limited to) new trends and future challenges related to the following localisation topics:
- Automation in Localisation Workflows (methods, tools, processes)
- Localisation and Crowdsourcing
- Localisation and Technical Content Management
- Localisation Education (academic, institutional, methodological issues)
- Localisation, Usability and Accessibility
- Machine Translation and Localisation
- Multilingual Digital Content Production Strategies: Globalisation, Internationalisation, Transcreation
- Profiles, Roles and Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Localisation Projects
- Quality in Localisation (methods, tools, processes)
- Standards of Localisation and Interoperability
- Web, Software (including mobile applications) and Game Localisation
Call for Participation – Study on the Usability of Web-Based CAT Tools for Screen Reader Users
We would like to invite you to take part in a research study on the use of web-based Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools. Our main goal is to assess the usability of this type of software for screen reader users, with a view to identify current challenges, if any, and look for potential solutions.
The project is hosted at the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies at Dublin City University and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). It is being carried out by Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez (, associate member of the Cod.eX Research Group, Sharon O’Brien ( and Dónal Fitzpatrick (
- We are particularly looking for blind participants with a background in translation or related fields, with a medium to high proficiency in the use of computers and their assistive technology.
- Participants do not need to have used any CAT tool in the past, but should be at least aware of the basic principles behind this type of software.
- No previous translation experience is required, so everyone is welcomed to participate!
The study will be conducted remotely and asynchronously (i.e. you can decide when and at what time you want to carry out the tasks), but support will be available, if needed. If you accept to participate, you will be asked to conduct a simple translation task using two web-based CAT tools, report any problems that may arise during your interaction with those tools and answer to two brief questionnaires about your experience with said tools.
Your participation in the entire study would take maximum 3 hours of your time, which you could divide, for instance, into two sessions of 1.5 hours (one per tool) and conduct in different days.
Taking part in this research study is voluntary, so you may withdraw from the study at any point without repercussion. All the data collected during the study will be treated confidentially.
If you are interested in participating, we would appreciate if you could complete the following informed consent form online:
We will then get in touch with you at the e-mail address you indicate in the form.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to Silvia at
Thank you in advance for your cooperation, as well as for spreading the word among other people who might be willing to participate!
Propuestas e invitaciones pasadas