Geosciences, Development and Sustainability: Africa and Europe together
Coordinador principal: Pedro Dinis, Universidade de Coimbra
Operational Objectives: (i) Welcoming four Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from less developed areas (centre and south of Angola, and centre and northeast of Mozambique); (ii) Technical training of teachers & final year students from six HEIs: Angola (UAN, UKB, UMN), Mozambique (UEM, ULurio, UPungue) in the area of Earth Sciences; (iii) Empowerment of the trainers from two HEIs (UAN, UEM) on training country fellows; (iii) Upgrading and developing BSc (4) and MSc courses (2) in the area of Earth Sciences. The collaboration of companies in Angola and Mozambique will be crucial for the internships and for suiting the CVs to the industrial needs. Political Objective: To prepare the ground for a “GEODES Initiative”: Earth Sciences are the basis for a resilient and sustainable development and empowerment of students and trainers on Local Community Development (LCD) as opposed to Local Economic Development (LED)”. It follows the recommendations from the AU Agenda 2063 and the UN-SD Goals: (1), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (17). Outputs/Outcomes: Four updated BSc courses and two MSc courses involving the training of at least 20 teachers and more than 100 students in two years of ongoing courses; about 30 internships in companies; bibliographic materials will be prepared and eLearning courses delivered. Sustainability measures of the project objectives put in place. Effective dissemination of results. Long term impact: Facilitate communication and exchange among scientists by bringing together complementary interests so as to improve standards, methods and techniques for carrying out research, including the transfer of fundamental and applied knowledge between partners. The partnership brings a new attitude regarding the exploitation of resources in Africa and a resilient attitude to face climate changes.