about me

9/11/13, 20:04

my name is xu jianyi,a chinese man who is studying in salamanca,i am 20 now.i like rock music,spacially metal music.i love band linkin park,in flames,marily mason,etc…
linkin park is my first band that i listened at,although now thier sayle is not rock anymore,but before 2008,it was so great,maybe you haven’t listened it,but this band is the best live band,they remix the rap,rock,hip-hop,etc..all.but thier songs are very spacial,maybe the first time you can’t accpet that,but someday you will love it.
i love the singer of the linkin park,chester bennington,his scream is so strong,so sapacial,even i try to practice everyday to imitate his cream,but,you know,imposible,so difficult