About me


I am an associate professor of political science at Salamanca University and  research fellow of desiguALdades.net in Berlin. My professional experience includes postdoctoral fellowships in the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and Brown University (USA). I also have lectured in different universities based in Latin America and Europe.

My research lines are focused on the intersection between the State, territory and population. Mi main areas of study are subnational politics, political demography and geography, as well as their related methodological approaches. Among the particular subjects covered are: public policies, intergovernmental relations and federal institutions, local power, and electoral geography.

A list my recent publications include “Gobierno local y estado de bienestar” [Local Government and the Welfate State] (Spain, Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad, 2012) and “Representación espacial y mapas” [Spatial Representation and Maps] (Spain, CIS, 2013), as well as peer-reviewed articles in international journals and  book chapters.

Currently, I am responsible for three undergraduate courses (teaching) “Políticas Públicas”, “Políticas Públicas Sectoriales”, and “Movimientos Políticos Contemporáneos”, and methodological training courses such as “Cartografía y Mapas en las Ciencias Sociales” and “Visualización y Análisis Espacial de Datos”.

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