- “Oil Price Shocks and Real GDP Growth: Empirical evidence for some OECD Countries” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez from European Central Bank). Applied Economics, 2005, 37, pp. 201-228.
- “Structural Changes in Central and Eastern European economies: Breaking the News or Breaking the Ice?” (jointly with Balazs Egert from OECD, Evzen Kocenda from University of Praga, and Amalia Morales-Zumaquero from University of Málaga). Economic Change and Restructuring, 2006, 39, 85-103.
- “The Impact of Oil Price Shocks: Evidence from the Industries of Six OECD Countries”. Energy Economics, 2008, 30, 3095-3108.
- “Institutional Rigidities and Employment Rigidity on the Italian Labour Market” (jointly with Giuseppe Russo from University of Salerno). Applied Economics Quarterly, 2008, 54, pp. 217-227.
- “Oil Price Shocks and Real GDP Growth: Testing for Non-linearity”. The Energy Journal, 2009, 30, pp. 1-24.
- “Oil Shocks and the Macroeconomy: A Comparison across High Oil Price Periods” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Applied Economics Letters, 2009, 16, pp. 1633-1638.
- “The Importance of Oil Price Shocks for the Economy” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Harvard College Economics Review, 2009, 3, pp. 27-29.
- “Oil-induced stagflation: A comparison across major G7 economies and shock episodes” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Applied Economics Letters, 2010, 17, pp 1537-1541.
- “The Effect of Foreign Shocks in Central and Eastern Europe” (jointly with Balazs Egert and Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Journal of Policy Modeling, 2010, 32, pp. 461-477.
- “Macroeconomic Structure and Oil Price Shocks at the Industrial Level”. International Economic Journal, 2011, 25, pp. 173-189.
- “Food Price Pass-through in the Euro Area: The Role of Asymmetries and Non-linearities” (jointly with Gianluigi Ferrucci from European Central Bank y Luca Onorante from European Central Bank). International Journal of Central Banking, 2012, 8 (1), pp. 179-217.
- “Oil Price Shocks and Japanese Macroeconomic Developments” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 2012, 26 (1), pp. 69-83.
- “Evaluating the Effects of Investment in Information and Communication Technology”. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2012, 21 (2), pp. 203-221.
- “Aggregate Employment Dynamics and (Partial) Labour Market Reforms” (jointly with Giuseppe Russo). Bulletin of Economic Research, 2012, 64 (3), pp. 430-448.
- “Business Cycle Synchronization between Euro Area and Central and Eastern European Countries” (jointly with Balazs Egert and Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Review of Development Economics, 2013, 17 (2), 379-395.
- “Oil Price Shocks and Business Cycles in Major OECD Economies“ (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). In: “Nonlinear Time Series and Finance”, Ed. Universidad de Guadalajara, Editors: Semei Coronado Ramírez, Pedro Luis Celso Arellano and Carlos Trejo Pech, (2014, México).
- “Nominal and Real Exchange Rates Co-movements” (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Journal of Applied Economics, 2014, 17 (2), 283-300.
- “Oil price shocks and stock markets: Testing for non-linearity”. Empirical Economics, 2015, 48 (3), 1079-1102.
- “What happens to the relationship between public debt and economic growth in European countries?” (jointly with Araceli Rodríguez-López). Economics and Business Letters, 2015, 4 (4), 151-160.
- “A New Look at Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the G-7 Countries” (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Journal of Policy Modeling, 2016, 38 (5), 985-1000.
- “A New Look at Oil Price Pass-through into Inflation: Evidence from Disaggregated European Data” (jointly with César Castro, Pilar Poncela and Eva Senra). Economia Politica – Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2017, 34, 55-82.
- “Oil Price Pass-through Along the Price Chain in the Euro Area” (jointly with César Castro). Energy Economics, 2017, 64, 24-30.
- “An empirical analysis of the relationships between crude oil, gold and stock markets” (jointly with Semei Coronado and Omar Rojas). The Energy Journal, 2018, Vol. 39, SI1, 193-207.
- “What happens to the relationship between EU allowances prices and stock market indices in Europe?“. Energy Economics, 2019, Vol. 81, 13-24.
- “BRICS: How Important is the Exchange Rate Pass-Through?“ (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). The World Economy, 2020, vol 43(3), 781-793.
- “Impact of Commodity Prices on Exchange Rates in Commodity Exporting Countries” (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). The World Economy, 2020, vol 43(7), 1868-1906.
- “Dynamic interactions between oil price and exchange rate” (jointly with César Castro). PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(8): e0237172.
- “Commodity Price Pass-through Along the Pricing Chain“(jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Review of World Economics, 2022, vol. 158(1), 109 – 125.
- “Oil shocks and global economy“. Energy Economics, 2022, vol. 115: 106373.
- “Time-Varying Relation between Oil Shocks and European Stock Market Returns” (jointly with César Castro and Renatas Kizys). Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2023, 16(3), 174.
- Introduction to the Special Issue “New Challenges in International Economics and Finance” (jointly with María A. Prats). The World Economy, 2023, 46(9), 2558-2563.
- “Oil Prices and Spain’s Interest Rates: Did the Link Change After EU Accession?” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). In: “Analyzing Energy Crises and the Impact of Country Policies on the World”, Ed. IGI Global, Editor: Merve Suna Ozel Ozcan, (2024, Hershey, PA, U.S.A.).
- The impact of oil shocks on the stock market” (jointly with César Castro). Global Finance Journal, 2024, vol 60: 100967.