Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Mario Hernández Ramos
Perfiles clásicos y novedosos del Derecho Constitucional
Gargola 2

Other publications

- “The relation between the constitutional justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union within the European integration process”, HERNÁNDEZ RAMOS, M., SAIZ ARNAIZ, A., TORRES PÉREZ, A., ZELAIA GARAGARZA, M., (Coords.), Courts in integration organizations: MERCOSUR, Andean Community and European Union, Ed., Thompson Reuters Aranzadi, 2012, pags. 237-258, ISBN 978-84-9903-116-3.

- “The informed consent and the right to physical and moral integrity”, SANZ MULAS, N., (Coord).,  Legal importance of the informed consent in the medical practices, Ed. Comares, 2012, pags 1-10 ISBN 978-84-9836-904-5.

- “Study of the pretended separation of powers in the Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution”, Revista Conocimiento y Cultura Jurídica, n.1, 2007, pags. 240-255, ISSN 1870-4514

- “Notes on the classic Islamic Law. The hidden human interference in the creation of a pretended immutable Law”, Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas (Escuela Libre de Derecho, México), n. 31, pags. 949-1023, 2007.

-  Ombudsman v Attorney General, Constitutional appeal, STC 292/2000; ILCD 128 (ES 2000), 30 November 2000, Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts, 2010,, 2011.

- Baltasar v Section N 8 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, Appeal judgment, STS 436/2005; ILDC 1426 (ES 2005), Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts, 2010,,  2011.

- “Notes on the fundamental rights jurisdictional protection within the Spanish constitutional legal system”, Revista del Posgrado en Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, n.5, pags. 409-431, 2007.

- “The crossroads of the constitutional jurisdiction in protecting fundamental rights”, ARMIENTA HERNÁNDEZ, G., CAMARGO GONZÁLEZ, I. (Coords.), The Human Rights in Latinamerica and Europe, Ed. Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa México, 2008, ISBN 970-660-179-1.

- Reviewer of case law in “Justicia Administrativa. Revista de Derecho Administrativo” from nº 42 (January 2009) to nº 61 July 2013) about “Constitutional processes” and “Fundamental rights”.

- Reviewer of case law in “Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo”, from August 2013 to now.

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