My main field of expertise is Labour Economics. Now, I focus my research on non-standard employment, labour market policies, labour market reforms, and the employment of some disadvantaged workers (young people, older workers, and people with disabilities). I also like very much the Law and Economics approach to the analysis of labour market legal regulation.
Below, you will find references of some articles and chapters of books, some reports, and drafts of my research in progress. If you want more detailed information on my research activities, you can see my CV. These are my pages in ORCID, RePec and in Dialnet (articles in Spanish and/or in Spanish journals). You can also find me in Google Scholar.
Mi campo de especialización es la Economía Laboral. En la actualidad, mi investigación se centra en el empleo no estándar, las políticas de mercado de trabajo, las reformas laborales y el empleo de ciertos colectivos en situación de desventaja en el mercado de trabajo (jóvenes, mayores y personas con alguna discapacidad). También me gusta especialmente utilizar el análisis económico del Derecho para analizar la regulación legal del mercado de trabajo.
Más abajo, se pueden encontrar referencias de algunos de mis artículos y capítulos de libro, informes y borradores de mis investigaciones en proceso de realización. Para una información más detallada, este es mi CV. Estas son mis páginas en ORCID, RePec y en Dialnet (artículos en español y/o en revistas españolas). También me puedes encontrar en Google Académico.
Some articles / Algunos artículos:
- Orfao, G., Malo, M.Á. and del Rey, A. (2024), “Unpaid overtime and non-standard employment among young people in Europe: do national context and institutions matter?”, Journal of Youth Studies, accepted for publication. [Link to the article].
- Pagán, R. and Malo, M.Á. (2024), “Dynamic analysis of loneliness at older ages in Europe by gender”, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 19: 1601-1630. [Link to the article (free access to the PDF file].
- Malo, M.Á. and Sciulli, D. (2023), “Expected wealth transfers and consumption across the wealth distribution in Europe”, Economic Modelling, 126 (106416). [Link to the article (free access to the PDF file)]
- Orfao, G., del Rey, A. and Malo, M.Á. (2023), “Multiple jobholding and non-standard employment among young workers: A comparative analysis of EU-28 member states”, Journal of Youth Studies, 27(7): 961-985.
- Orfao, G. and Malo, M.Á. (2023), “Are active labour market policies effective for the older unemployed? A meta-evaluation”, Ageing & Society, 43(7): 1617-1637.
- Bonilla, R., Malo, M.Á. and Pinto, F. (2022), “Marriage Wage Premium with Contract Type Heterogeneity“, Labour Economics, 78 [Link to the article (free access to the PDF file)]
- Malo, M.Á., Mussida, C., Cueto, B. and Baussola, M. (2023), “Being a NEET before and after the Great Recession: Persistence by gender in Southern Europe”, Socio-Economic Review, 21(1): 319-339.
- Malo, M.Á. and Sciulli, D. (2021): “Wealth transfers and labour supply: Impact of inheritances and gifts by gender in Europe”, International Journal of Manpower, 42(8): 1450-1478 [Link to the article (free access to the PDF file)].
- Orfao, G., del Rey, A. and Malo, M.Á. (2021): “A multidimensional approach to precarious employment among young workers in EU28 countries”, Social Indicators Research, 158: 1153-1178 [Link to the article (free access to the PDF file)].
- Pagán, R. and Malo, M.Á. (2021): “Performance appraisal and job satisfaction for workers without and with disabilities by gender”, Social Indicators Research, 153: 1011-1039.
- Malo, M.Á., Martín-Román, A.L. and Moral, A. (2018): “Peer effects or quasi-peer effects in Spanish labour court rulings”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 45(3): 497-525.
- Lisi, D. and Malo, M.Á. (2017): “The impact of temporary employment on productivity. The importance of sectors’ skill intensity”, Journal for Labour Market Research, 50: 91-112. Link to the article.
- Cueto, B. and Malo, M.Á. (2016): “Do partial disability pensions close the earnings gap?”, Hacienda Pública Española, 216(1): 103-126.
- Malo, M.Á. and Pagán, R. (2012), “Wage differentials and disability across Europe: Discrimination and/or lower productivity?”, International Labour Review, 151(1-2): 43-60.
- Pagán, R. and Malo, M.Á. (2009), “Job satisfaction and disability: Lower expectations about jobs or a matter of health?”, Spanish Economic Review, 11 (1): 51-74.
- Amuedo-Dorantes, C., Malo, M.Á. and Muñoz-Bullón, F. (2008), “The Role of Temporary Help Agency Employment on Temp-to-Perm Transitions”, Journal of Labor Research, 29(2): 138-161.
- Frick, B. and Malo, M.Á. (2008), “Labour Market Institutions and Individual Absenteeism in the European Union: The Relative Importance of Sickness Benefit System and Employment Protection Legislation”, Industrial Relations, 47(4): 505-529.
- García-Martínez, P. and Malo, M.Á. (2007): “The Strategic Use of Dismissal Legislation: An Empirical Analysis Using Spanish Data”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 23: 151-167.
- Malo, M.Á. (2005), “La evolución institucional del despido: Una interpretación en términos de un accidente histórico”, Revista de Historia Económica, 23(1): 83-115. Enlace al artículo.
- Malo, M.Á. and Pérez, J. (2003): “Individual Dismissals in Europe and the United States: A Model on the Influence of the Legal Framework on Firing Costs”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 15(1): 47-63.
- García-Serrano, C. and Malo, M.Á. (2002): “Worker Turnover, Job Turnover, and Collective Bargaining in Spain”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 40 (1): 69-85 .
- Malo, M.Á. (2001): “European Labour Law and Severance Pay Determination in Collective Redundancies”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 12(1): 73-90.
- Malo, M.Á.(2000): “A simple model of severance pay determination: the case of individual dismissals in Spain”, Labour, 14 (2): 269-290.
Some reports (freely available on the Internet) / Algunos informes (disponibles en Internet)
- M. Á. Malo, R. Pagán, V. Rodríguez Álvarez, 2024, Las personas con discapacidad en España. FUNCAS.
- M. Á. Malo & R. Pagán, 2021, Envejecimiento y capital social. FUNCAS.
- M.Á. Malo & R. Pagán, 2019, Soledad, discapacidad y mercado de trabajo. FUNCAS.
- M.Á. Malo, 2018, Finding proactive features in labour market policies: A reflection based on the evidence. International Labour Organization / Organización Internacional del Trabajo.
- M.Á. Malo, 2017, Labour Market Institutions in Small Pacific Island Countries: Main guidelines for labour market reforms. GLO Discussion Paper, No. 100 (report prepared on behalf of the ILO / Informe preparado por encargo de la OIT).
- M.Á. Malo, 2015, Labour Market Measures in Spain 2008-13: The Crisis and Beyond. International Labour Organization, Organización Internacional del Trabajo.
- R. Torres (dir.), M.Á. Malo (coord.), 2013, “Tackling the jobs crisis in Portugal”. International Labour Organization / Organización Internacional del Trabajo.
- C. García-Serrano & M.Á. Malo, 2013, “Beyond the contract type segmentation in Spain”, Employment Sector, Employment Working Paper nº 143, International Labour Organization / Organización Internacional del Trabajo.
- B. Cueto & M.Á. Malo, 2011. “Los jóvenes en el mercado de trabajo asturiano”, Servicio Público de Empleo del Principado de Asturias, Consejería de Industria y Empleo, Oviedo.
- L. Toharia & M.Á. Malo, 2005, “La influencia de la implantación del SISPE en el paro registrado”, Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (antiguo INEM).
And beyond economics, two books of short stories / Y, más allá de la economía, dos libros de relatos: