Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
LINDES Research Group
Linguistic Descriptions of English / Lingüística Descriptiva del Inglés

Selected publications


Elorza, Izaskun, Marrón-González, Susana, Zelachowska, Agata, Gerke, Amanda Ellen & Mocanu, Vasilica (in press). Affordances of descriptive linguistics for awareness-raising in pre-service teacher training. I Jornadas Internacionales de Innovación Educativa con Perspectiva de Género. Salamanca, 30 de septiembre y 1 de octubre de 2021.

Elorza, Izaskun (in press). Ideational construal of male challenging gender identities in children’s picture books. In Moya-Guijarro, A. Jesús & Eija Ventola (eds). A Multimodal Approach to Challenging Gender Identities in Children’s Picture Books. Routledge. ISBN 9780367703592

Elorza, Izaskun, Arús-Hita, Jorge & Tom Bartlett (in press). Dynamicity and contrast in SFL. Special issue of Lingua. (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Ruano-García, Javier (in press). The impact of Horae Subsecivae on the EDD‘s coverage of western words. English Today. (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Elorza, Izaskun, Arús-Hita, Jorge & Tom Bartlett (2021). SFL approaches to language dynamics and contrast. Lingua. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro & A. Marín Gutiérrez (2021). Language, race or place? Influential factors in determining young “Coloured” individuals’ attitudes towards Afrikaans accents in English. Lingua 251. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro & A. Marín Gutiérrez (2021). Language Attitudes in a Lingua Franca: The Case of Black South African College Students. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Arús Hita, Jorge & Nora Kaplan (2021). Introducción a la sección monográfica: Estudios de lingüística sistémico-funcional en/del español. Revista Signos 54(105): 141-147. (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q1)


Gerke, Amanda Ellen (2020). Language Interaction and Hospitality: Combating the Hosted-Host Figure. In Gerke, Amanda Ellen, Guerrero-Strachan, S. & P. San José Rico (eds) The Poetics and Politics of Hospitality in U.S. Literature and Culture. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 36-56. DOI:

Gerke, Amanda Ellen, Guerrero-Strachan, S. & P. San José Rico (eds) (2020). The Poetics and Politics of Hospitality in U.S. Literature and Culture. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. DOI:

González Rodríguez, L. M. & Pedro Álvarez Mosquera (2020). The Impact of Feedback and Explicit Rhetorical Instruction on EFL Students’ Writing Proficiency in Higher Education. Atlantis 42(1): 120-142. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q3)

Elorza, Izaskun (2020). Identidad y atributos fijos y negociables en representaciones alternativas al estereotipo de género masculino en libros álbum infantiles en lengua inglesa. In Moya, Jesús A. & Cristina Cañamares-Torrijos (eds). Análisis multimodal y semiótico de libros álbum que rompen estereotipos de género y el concepto de familia tradicional. Colección Arcadia 31. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 149-177.

Marrón, Susana (2020). Bridging Bridges to the Integration of Culture in the EFL Secondary Classroom: Perspectives from Teachers and Learners. TEEM’20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. ACM Digital Library, 845-852.

Mocanu, Vasilica & E. Llurda (2020). Constructing and Reconstructing Attitudes towards Language Learning in Study Abroad. In Bocanegra-Valle, Ana (ed.) Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer. Internationalisation, Employability and Social Challenges. Bern: Peter Lang, 181-202. ISBN 9783034337144

Schintu, Paula (2020). “Theers gud stuff amung uz Darbysher foaks: Dialect Enregisterment in 19th-century Derbyshire”. TOKEN: A Journal of English Linguistics 10: 109-128. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q4)


Pérez-Veneros, Miriam & Izaskun Elorza (coords) (2019). Systemic Functional Linguistics at the Crossroads: Intercultural and Contrastive Descriptions of Language. Proceedings of the 27th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, Salamanca, June 29 — July 01, 2017. Colección Aquilafuente 266. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro & A. Marín Gutiérrez (2019). A sociolinguistic approach to implicit language attitudes towards historically white English accents among young L1 South African indigenous language speakers. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 260: 131-153. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q2)

Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro (2019). Young Coloureds’ implicit attitudes towards two historically White English accents in the South African context: A case study. English World-Wide 40 (3), 325-344. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q2)

Iglesias Iglesias, Nely Milagros (2019). Das Zusammenspiel von Formelhaftigkeit und Variabilität im Sprachgebrauch. Am Beispiel der präpositionalen Wortverbindung ‚unter Geschrei‘“. Revista de Filología Alemana 27: 197-209. (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q4)

Mocanu, Vasilica (2019). A mixed methods approach to identity, investment, and language learning in study abroad: The case of Erasmus students in Finland, Romania and Catalonia. Lleida: Universitat de Lleida.

Ruano-García, Javier (2019). On the colonial element in Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary. International Journal of Lexicography 32(1): 38-57. DOI: (SJR 2019 Language and Linguistics: Q2)

Zelachowska, Agata (2019). Conceptual metaphors in Discourse Analysis. Metaphorical Representations of Polish Migrants in the British Press. In Calle Martínez, Cristina & Slavka Madarova (eds). Focus on Learning: Contributions to the Field of ESP. Madrid: Universidad Camilo José Cela, 127-134. ISBN: 9788495891785


Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro & F. Coetzee (2018). “It makes it legit”: local semiotic perceptions of the linguistic landscape in a market in Soshanguve, South Africa. Social Semiotics 28 (4), 494-511. (SJR 2018 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Gerke, Amanda Ellen (2018). Discursive Boundaries: Code-Switching as Representative of Gibraltarian Identity Construction in M.G. Sanchez’ Rock Black. Miscelanea 57: 35-57. (SJR 2018 Language and Linguistics: Q4)

Llurda, Enric & Vasilica Mocanu (2018). Changing Teachers’ Attitudes towards ELF. In Sifakis, N. C. & N. Tsantila (eds) English as a Lingua Franca for EFL Contexts. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 175-191. DOI:


Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro (2017). Young white Afrikaans speakers in South Africa: A case of liminal identity? Folia Linguistica 51 (3), 639-670. (SJR 2017 Language and Linguistics: Q1)

Álvarez Mosquera, Pedro (2017). The Use of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) for Sociolinguistic Purposes in South Africa. Language Matters 48 (2), 69-90. (SJR 2017 Language and Linguistics: Q2)

Rodríguez, A. I., García Riaza, Blanca & M.C. Sánchez Gómez (2017). Collaborative learning and mobile devices: An educational experience in Primary Education. Computers in Human Behavior 72, 664-677.

2016 and before

Martín-Monje, Elena, Elorza, Izaskun & Blanca García Riaza (2016). Technology-Enhanced Language Learning for Specialized Domains: Practical Applications and Mobility. Routledge.

Elorza, Izaskun (2014). Newsworthiness, Attribution and Lexicogrammatical Strategies in Two Types of News Articles in English and Spanish. Topics in Linguistics 14(1): 16-33. DOI: 10.2478/topling-2014-0009

Elorza, Izaskun & Ovidi Carbonell Cortés (eds) (2014). Análisis Textual en la Comunicación Intercultural / Language Analysis in Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication. Colección Aquilafuente 206. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

Elorza, Izaskun & Miriam Pérez-Veneros (2014). Constructing Stance by means of Attribution: How is the ‘space for evaluation’ filled in science popularization articles in English? In Glynn, Dylan & Mette Sjölin (eds). Subjectivity and Epistemicity. Corpus, Discourse and Literary Approaches to Stance. Lund Studies in English 117. Lund: Lund University Press, 281-301.

Elorza, Izaskun, Carbonell Cortés, Ovidi, Albarrán Martín, Reyes, García Riaza, Blanca & Miriam Pérez-Veneros (eds) (2012). Empiricism and Analytical Tools for 21st Applied Linguistics. Colección Aquilafuente 185. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

Elorza, Izaskun & Blanca García Riaza (2010). FL Students’ Input in Higher Education Courses: Corpus Methodology for Implementing Language Representativeness. In Campoy-Cubillo, M. Carmen, Bellés-Fortuño, Begoña & M. Llüisa Gea-Valor (Eds). Corpus-based Approaches to English Language Teaching. London: Continuum. (Review in Ibérica 21, 2011)

Elorza, Izaskun (2008). Promoting Intercultural Competence in the FL/SL Classroom: Translations as Sources of Data. Language and Intercultural Communication 8(4): 261-277. DOI: 10.1080/14708470802303090 (SJR 2008 Language and Linguistics: Q4)

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