Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Laura Baños-Picón
Facultad de Biología. Área de Zoología


-Rosas-Ramos, N., Baños-Picón, L., Tormos, J. & Asís, J.D. 2019. The complementarity between ecological infrastructure types benefits natural enemies and pollinators in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem. Annals of Applied Biology, DOI: 10.1111/aab.12529.

–Rosas-Ramos, N., Baños-Picón, L., Trivellone, V., Moretti, M., Tormos, J. & Asís, J.D. 2019. Ecological infrastructures across Mediterranean agroecosystems: Towards an effective tool for evaluating their ecological quality. Agricultural Systems, 173: 355–363. DOI:

–Martin, E.A., Dainese, M., Clough, Y., Baldi, A., Bommarco, R…., Baños-Picón, L. (65/20) …, Steffan-Deweter, I. 2019. The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe. Ecology Letters, 22: 1083-1094. DOI: doi: 10.1111/ele.13265.

–Rosas-Ramos, N., Baños-Picón, L., Tobajas, E., Paz, V. de, Tormos, J. & Asís, J.D. 2018. Value of ecological infrastructure diversity in the maintenance of spider assemblages: A case study of Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 265: 244-253.

–Stefanescu, C., Asís, J. D., Baños-Picón, L., Cerdà, X., Marcos-García, M. A., Micó, E. Ricarte, A. & Tormos, J. 2018. Diversidad de insectos polinizadores en la Península Ibérica. Ecosistemas, 27(2), 9-22.

–Rosas-Ramos, N., Baños-Picón, L., Tobajas, E., Tormos, J., Asís, J.D. 2017. Both landscape and local scale factors matter for the parental investment strategies of the solitary bee Osmia caerulescens L. in agroecosystems. Journal of Apicultural Research, 56: 1-12.

–Ballesteros, Y., Polidori, C., Tormos, J., Baños-Picón, L. & Asís, J.D. 2016. Falling victim to wasps in the air: a fate driven by prey flight morphology? Plos One, 11: e0152256: 1-15.

–Ballesteros, Y., Polidori, C., Tormos, J., Baños-Picón, L. y Asís, J.D. 2014. Complex-to-predict generational shift between nested and clustered organization of individual prey networks in digger wasps. PloS ONE, 9 (e102325): 1-10.

–Asís, J.D., Ballesteros, Y., Tormos, J., Baños-Picón, L. & Polidori, C. 2014. Spatial nest-settlement decisions in digger wasps: conspecifics matter more than heterospecifics and previous experience. Ethology, 120: 1-14.

Baños-Picón, L., Torres, F., Gayubo, S.F., Tormos, J. & Asís, J.D. 2013. Comparison of two Mediterranean crop systems: polycrop favours trap-nesting solitary bees over monocrop. Basic and Applied Ecology, 14: 255-262.

–Tormos, J., Asís, J.D., Sabater-Muñoz, B., Baños, L., Gayubo, S.F. y Beitia, F. 2012. Superparasitism in laboratory rearing of Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) a parasitoid of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae). Bull. Entomol. Res., 102: 51-61.

–Asís, J.D., Baños-Picón, L., Tormos, J., Ballesteros, Y., Alonso, M. & Gayubo, S.F. 2011. Are solitary progressive-provisioning wasps optimal foragers? A study with the digger wasp Bembix merceti (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Behaviour, 148: 191-214.

–Tormos, J.; Asís, J.D.; Baños-Picón, L. y Gayubo, S.F. 2010. Description of the mature larvae of two species of Liris with notes on the immature stages of L. niger (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Florida Entomologist 93 (4): 510-515.

Baños-Picón, L., Asís, J.D., Gayubo, S.F. y Tormos, J. 2009. Analyzing insect community structure through the application of Taxonomic Distinctness measures. Zoological Studies, 48: 298-314.

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