



Material Analysis Using Diffraction

It is a general diffraction/reflectivity analysis program mainly based on the Rietveld method. Written in Java.

[Open source]


 Géosciences Montpellier

[Open source]



The Berkeley Texture Package

It is a set of programs to analyze preferred orientation in polycrystalline materials.

Hans-Rudolf Wenk

Dept. Earth and Planetary Science  U.C. Berkeley


An excellent Matlab [v7.1]  toolbox to do quantitative texture analysis. Tensor analysis was introduced recently

R. Hielscher, TU Chemnitz TU Freiberg

[Open source]

You can work with many data format (including  MAUD, Beartex, popla…).   An example of this in: Gómez Barreiro & Álvarez Lobato (2010)



Interested in Texture? Do you have a single crystal diffractometer with a plane detector (Image plate, CCD, Multy-wire)?

This software and the companion paper help you to find the way to peform the analysis and get texture information from polycrystals. At this moment only for reflection geometry and Bruker Smart Appex diffractometer.

Written by Alejandro Rodríguez Navarro

University of Granada (Spain)

(You can try also in transmission here)

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