TSQ 3.3 Transgender Studies Quarterly: The Translation Issue Guest Editors: David Gramling and Aniruddha Dutta Special Issue on Translating Transgender CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Submissions of 4000-9000 words (in any language). Due March 1, 2015 for publication in Spring 2016 Few primary and secondary texts about transgender lives and ideas have been translated from language to language in […]

Call for Papers on Sexualities, Language, and International Politics.
Mainstream activism engaging with the politics of gender and sexual-identity tends more often than not to be labelled LGBT, homosexual, gay or queer activism. This implies a degree of universalism. Of course, these terms have gone a long way in promoting the rights of individuals, and the remarkable achievements of such movements have been ground-breaking. […]

CFP: “Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype”, Università di Bologna, 25-27 ottobre 2017.
CALL FOR PAPERS “Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype” Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì, 25-26-27 ottobre 2017 Congreso internacional organizado por MeTRa, Centro Studi interdisciplinari sulla Mediazione e la Traduzione a opera di e per ragaze/i. Los campos de investigación del Centro MeTra son múltiples y abarcan desde […]
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- CFP: V Seminário Internacional Enlaçando Sexualidades, Salvador da Bahia, 6-8 setembro de 2017.
- “La doble transición”, un libro de Raúl Solís en busca de financiación.
- CFP: “Exploring the Emergence of Moderate Feminism(s) in Contemporary Organizations”, Special Issue of Gender, Work and Organization.
- CFP: “La ‘ideología de género’ y la religión”, dosier monográfico de la revista “ex aequo”.
- CFP: Jornadas sobre educación, género y nación en México (siglo XIX y primera mitad del XX), México, 15-17 noviembre de 2017.
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