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CFP: Gender Studies Conference 2017: Genders through time, Jyväskylä (Finland), 23rd- 25th of November 2017.

sptpaivat2017_banner_2.jpgGender Studies Conference 2017: Genders through time

 The annual Finnish gender studies conference Genders through time will be organized at the University of Jyväskylä on 23rd- 25th of November 2017 in collaboration between the University of Jyväskylä and the Association for Gender Studies in Finland (SUNS).

Enquiries that relate to time, temporality, change and permanence have become topical in gender studies. As Finland celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2017, discussions on the relationships between past, present and future hold also a more general interest.

The conference Genders through time will focus on how time and temporality organize our understanding of gender. For example, how are gender(s) conceptualized in different cultures and in different times? How do conceptions of gender(s) shift and change in time? How have gender and genders been given meaning in the past and how will these concepts be constructed in the future? How are time, temporality and gender tied together in politics and economics, education, research and science, language and literature, arts and media?

Feminism, feminist movements and activisms as well as gender research are also bound in time. Perceiving gender, feminism and gender studies through the lens of time and temporality enables and encourages explorations of historicalness and contextuality of gender that uses conceptual frameworks such as intersectionality, superdiversity and critical study of nationalism.

Invited international keynote speakers are Associate Professor Sirma Bilge from the Université de Montréal (CAN) and Professor John Tosh from the University of Roehampton (UK).  In addition, there will domestic and international guest speakers, thematic panels and a grand panel on the times and generations of feminism.

Workshops in English – Call for papers


  • Abstracts (250–300 words) for oral workshop presentations should be sent no later than 7.9.2017 to the workshop coordinators by email.
  • Please include the title of your presentations, your name, email address and university or other institutional affiliation.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified 9.10.2017.
The language of the workshop may be Finnish, English or both (please look at the workshop description). Given the multilingual nature of the conference, we strongly encourage all participants to use presentation slides and other visual aids in order to allow participants to follow presentation argumentation as easily as possible. Comments and questions may be in either Finnish, Swedish or English.
Two workshops (numbers 38 and 39) have scheduled papers already. Please do not send an abstract to these workshops. If needed contact information for workshop coordinators can be found in the description.
Feminist Colour-In (number 37) is open for all  (no preliminary enrollment, but limited 30 participants)

List of all proposed workshops (working language English):

  1. 10. Boys and Boyhoods from Past to Present and Future
  2. 13. Theories, Tools and Futures of Activisms
  3. 28. Tackling with Temporalities, Cultures and Locations of ’Gender’ and ‘Development’: From Global Sisterhood to Queer Dystopias
  4. 29. Time and Temporality in Migration Control: Intersectional Perspectives
  5. 30. Gender Issues in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education
  6. 31. Feminist and Posthumanist Worldings of Science Fact and Fiction in the Anthropocene
  7. 32. Gender, Language and the Shifting Rationalities of Work
  8. 33. Genders and Working Life at Different Phases of Life
  9. 34, Genders through Times in Historical Sources
  10. 35. Gender, Sexuality and the Politics of Memory
  11. 36. Politics of Masculinity and/or Femininity in Different Times and Places
  12. 37. Feminist Colour-IN: A Practice-Based Workshop (open for all, no abstract needed)
  13. 38. CANCELLED
  14. 39. Trade, Business and Gender during the Early Modern Period (closed)

More information.

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