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WGST lecturer position at Santa Clara University.

Resultado de imagen de santa clara universityThe Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Santa Clara University, a Jesuit, Catholic university, invites applications for an Academic Year Adjunct Lecturer position (one-year, non-tenure-track). Courses may include: Women in Transnational Perspective; Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies; Introduction to LGBTQ Studies; Advanced Writing in Women’s & Gender Studies; Women of Color in the US; Transnational LGBTQ Studies; Gender, Technology, and Society; Film, Gender and Sexuality. Specific assignments will be made according to the academic qualifications of the individual. The successful candidate will teach the equivalent of five to seven courses over the year, with at least one course in each quarter, fall, winter and spring.


$38,150 – $56,700 depending on number of courses and prior teaching experience; benefits eligible

Basic Qualifications

1. PhD in Women’s and Gender Studies, or in another discipline with significant gender/sexuality studies background and experience.
2. Demonstrated excellence in teaching gender and sexuality studies at the college level.
3. Demonstrated expertise in the specific topics covered in the courses.
4. Excellent communication skills.


Faculty responsibilities include (1) teaching and (2) service, as specified by the Santa Clara University Faculty Handbook (sec. Duties include but are not limited to:
1. Planning and teaching at least one course per quarter and up to seven courses over the three quarters of the academic year in a manner that demonstrates a command of the discipline and skill in presenting it effectively. All courses are approved for the University Core and therefore must be taught from an approved syllabus. The successful candidate may use a previously-approved syllabus or may work with the chair to design an appropriate syllabus for timely submission to the relevant University Faculty Core Curriculum Committee.
2. Fulfilling all responsibilities associated with assigned courses, including:
a. Conducting and appearing at all assigned class meetings in a timely and prepared way;
b. Assigning and evaluating assignments that align with the course description and course learning outcomes, and providing timely feedback to students;
c. Holding regular weekly office hours on campus;
d. Submitting student grades that are appropriate, accurate and fair measures of student performance to the Office of the Registrar by the designated deadline;
e. Administering numerical and narrative evaluations for all courses;
f. Fulfilling other instructional or academic duties as may be assigned by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences or the Chair of the Department.

Start Date


Santa Clara University is a Jesuit Catholic University in Silicon Valley.  Applications must be submitted electronically at by March 31, 2017.

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