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Archivo | febrero, 2017

Novedad bibliográfica: “Victoria Kent y Louise Crane en Nueva York: un exilio compartido”, de Carmen de la Guardia.

Guardia, Carmen de la: Victoria Kent y Louise Crane en Nueva York: un exilio compartido. Madrid: Sílex, 2016. 328 p. ISBN 978-84-7737-618-7. En este libro Carmen de la Guardia, analiza, a través de las vidas de dos de las mujeres más interesantes de la generación que comenzó su edad adulta en los años veinte y treinta del […]

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Resultado de imagen de bibliotecas mujeres guerras

CFP: Satellite meeting, Women, Information and Libraries SIG, Bratislava, Slovakia.

The IFLA Women, Information and Libraries Special Interest Group (WIL) invites colleagues to submit proposals for its satellite session to be held at the University Library in Bratislava, Slovakia, 16-17 August 2017.   Conference Theme LIS professionals supporting women living in conflict situations. Scope / Objectives of the Satellite The satellite meeting will discuss current library and information initiatives […]

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III Encuentro y Concurso “Arte, Mujer y Naturaleza”.

CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA   2017 BASES CONCURSO ARTE, MUJER Y NATURALEZA No soy lo que soy, soy lo que hago con mis manos. Tenía la sensación de que la escena artística pertenecía a los hombres y de que yo estaba, en cierto sentido, invadiendo sus dominios. Louise Bourgeois La Asociación Cultural “VALDELARTE” tiene como objetivo primordial promover […]

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Call for Papers – Politics of the sensate subject – Graduate Political Theory Conference with J Butler; Paris June 28–29.

Call for Papers – Politics of the sensate subject – Graduate Political Theory Conference with J Butler; Paris June 28–29.

Voici l’appel à communications de la 5e Graduate Conference de Théorie Politique (pdf) qui se déroulera les 28 et 29 juin prochains à Sciences Po sur le thème des “Politiques du sujet sensible”. La deuxième journée d’étude se déroulera en présence de Judith Butler Here is the call for papers of the 5th Graduate Political […]

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Publication of Queering Paradigms 6 book.

Publication of Queering Paradigms 6 book.

Queering Paradigms is happy to announce the publication of its sixth volume:   This edited volume brings together perspectives on embodied queerness within the complicated parameters of hegemonic normativities, biopolitics and social-religious governmentalities. Queering Paradigms VI offers queer interventions, explores value-production in socio-corporeal normative frameworks, and exemplifies and highlights the complexity of queering in […]

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CFP: 5th. European Women Rectors Conference, Solvay Library, Brussels, 29-30 May, 2017.

5TH EUROPEAN WOMEN RECTORS CONFERENCE The European Women Rectors Association is happy to announce the “5th. European Women Rectors Conference” which will take place at Solvay Library, Brussels on 29-30 May, 2017. The special focus of the conference will be on PIVOTING ON GENDER EQUALITY THROUGH THE LENS OF LEADERSHIP: POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS. The first four of the Women Academics […]

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CFP: 3º Seminário Internacional Desfazendo Gênero, Paraíba, 10-13 outubro 2017.

CFP: 3º Seminário Internacional Desfazendo Gênero, Paraíba, 10-13 outubro 2017.

De 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017, acontecerá em Campina Grande (interior da Paraíba), a 3ª edição do Seminário Internacional Desfazendo Gênero, sob o título: “Com a Diferença Tecer a Resistência”. Criado por pesquisadoras/es e ativistas articuladas/os pela problematização às dinâmicas de racialização e sexualização como estratégia para compartilhar dificuldades enfrentadas para inserir as interpelações […]

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Cover of Queer Theory by Bruno Perreau

Novedad bibliográfica: “Queer theory: the French response”.

Perreau, Bruno: Queer theory: the French response. Standford: University of Standford, 2016. 288 p. ISBN 9780804798860 (cloth). ISBN 9781503600447 (paper). In 2012 and 2013, masses of French citizens took to the streets to demonstrate against a bill on gay marriage. But demonstrators were not merely denouncing its damaging effects; they were also claiming that its origins lay in […]

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