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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP: Motherlines: Mothering, Motherhood and Mothers in and through Generations, Conference in Galway, Ireland, 3-6 July 2017.

Resultado de imagen de Motherlines: Mothering, Motherhood, and Mothers CALL FOR PAPERS

Motherlines: Mothering, Motherhood, and Mothers In and Through the Generations: Theory, Narrative, Representation, Practice, and Experience

Hosted by the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community and Involvement and UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre

Galway, Ireland: July 3- 6, 2017

Dangan, Upper Newcastle Road, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

We welcome submissions from scholars, students, activists, artists, writers and community workers and mothers. We are open to a variety of types of submissions including academic papers from all disciplines and creative submissions and alternative presentations including performance, creative writing and art. Community based and participatory/action research is encouraged. Keynote speakers to be announced.

Topics include but are not limited to the following:

Mothering across/ through the life course; mothers in histories, histories of motherhood; mothering and genealogies; mothers and children; motherhood and mothering in family support; feminist motherliness; maternal narratives and storytelling; mothers/mothering, language and literacy; mothers, memory and remembering; maternal mentoring and modelling; maternal thinking and practice; motherhood and mothering in early childhood education and care; cultural bearing; other/community/social mothering; disconnections from and reconnections to the motherline; ancestral knowledge and wisdom; intergenerational trauma, healing, recovery and resistance; grandmothers and grandmothering; maternal activism and resistance; reproductive rights and justice; criminalizing mothers, criminalized motherhoods; matrifocal and matrilineal cultures; traveler, nomadic, and indigenous mothers and mothering; goddess and pagan spiritualties and cultures; mothers in myth, legend and religion; mothers across difference in abilities, race, sexuality, age and geographical locations; mothers/mothering and social change; mothers/mothering, public policy and politics; mothers, mothering, health and well-being; maternal empowerment and empowered mothering; mothers, mothering and migrations.

Please note: Space is very limited: thus we are accepting abstracts on a first come/first reviewed basis.

Final deadline for abstracts is January 5, 2017

Accepted presenters must register for the conference and be a 2017 MIRCI member by January 20th to confirm a place in the conference program. If both payment and membership are not received by January 20th your paper will be removed from the conference program

Free conference registration bursaries available for PhD students of research centres based in the Institute for Lifecourse and Society and it’s NUIG based related clusters

Please submit you abstract via the MIRCI website

Conference information will be emailed upon acceptance of abstract

Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI)

140 Holland St. West, PO Box 13022, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5 (905) 775-9089

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional