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Universidad de Salamanca
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CFP: Fat Sexy Spaces, London, 29th Aug to 1st Sept 2017.

Resultado de imagen de Fat Sexy SpacesCall for Papers: Fat Sexy Spaces

RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2017, London, 29th Aug to 1st Sept 2017

Session Convenor: Nick McGlynn (, University of Brighton

In the midst of a global ‘obesity epidemic’, fat people are highly stigmatised in popular media and discourse as well as academia as pathologically unhealthy, selfishly irresponsible, and aesthetically and sexually repulsive. Challenging these accounts, recent work by scholars and activists outside geography has critically interrogated assumptions of that fat people do not have sex, are not sexually desirable, and experience sexual dysfunction due to their weight (Hester & Walters 2015). Despite this work and some (limited) moves in queer/feminist scenes to disavow ‘body shaming’, fat people still regularly experience virulent exclusion from and marginalisation in a wide variety of spaces relating to sex and sexuality, even those spaces which actively promote ‘body positive’ ideals. While geographers have made compelling engagements with fat people’s lives without reductive medical pathologisation (Colls 2012; Longhurst 2005), geographies of fat sex in particular remain marginal.

This session therefore aims to explore the greater significance of geography in understanding sex, sexuality and fatness. Responses are invited which explore any gendered and/or sexual aspects of size, weight and fatness through a geographic lens. Responses which do not fit the standard paper presentation – such as videos, performances, artwork and workshops – are expressly welcomed. Topics covered may include (but are not limited to):

·         Body positive spaces

·         Fat Activism

·         Body image issues in LGBTQ communities

·         Promoting physical activity and health through spatial strategies

·         The ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ fat body

·         Moving beyond ‘included or excluded’ binaries

·         Cybergeographies of fat acceptance

·         Fetish and kink communities

·         Intersections of fatness and race/ethnicity

·         BBW/BHM scenes and spaces

·         Local, national and global policymaking in the ‘War On Obesity’

·         Physical and psychological impacts of fat hatred

·         Bears, Chubs, Chasers and other fat-related sexual identities and subcultures

·         The spatialities of fat sex acts

·         The medicalisation of fatness

·         Thinness and thin people in ‘fat spaces’

·         Gendered or sexualised fatness in public space

·         Fatness and geographic consumption practices

If you would like to submit a response please send a short abstract (200 words) to Nick McGlynn ( by Dec 15th. This session is sponsored by the RGS-IBG Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional