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Universidad de Salamanca
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5th European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 8–10 June 2017.

The ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics was founded in 1985, and now has more than 750 members worldwide. It is a broad network of scholars researching issues relating to gender and sexuality in politics and world politics. The Group encourages Workshops, Panels and research groups with an emphasis on gender, and seeks to increase the profile of women in the main fields of political science.

Over the past twenty years, research in this field has expanded significantly, and the number of gender and politics scholars participating in ECPR Joint Sessions and General Conferences has increased exponentially.

In 2007, the Standing Group on Gender and Politics arranged its first ever conference, the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG). The conference now takes place biennially.

Guidelines and Deadlines

Conference format

The Academic Programme will be organised in the format of Sections and Panels, with each Section containing a variety of Panels in a given field. The programme will provide space for researchers from various backgrounds: International Studies; Political Participation; Power and Representation; LGBTQI Rights, Sexuality and Politics (the full list of Sections can be seen here).

Application process

Sections have already been approved and can be viewed/accessed on the Academic Programme.  The process for submitting Panel and Paper proposals to the Sections is as follows:

Call for full Panels and individual Papers: 15 September 2016 – 15 November 2016 (midnight GMT)

There will not be a separate call for Papers. All Panel proposals must include 4-5 Papers. Papers submitted as part of a Panel do not need to be resubmitted individually. Anyone wishing to propose a Paper individually will need to propose it to a specific Section. If accepted, the Section Chair will then allocate it to an appropriate Panel.

Individuals may perform each conference function – Section Chair, Panel Chair, Discussant, Paper presenter - only once and Paper Presenters can present up to 2 Papers within the Academic Programme. Each Section should consist of two Chairs.

Call for Panels (with Papers) and individual Papers

Deadline 15 November 2016 (midnight GMT)

This stage of the process is open to anyone wishing to propose a complete Panel with Papers, and those wanting to propose individual Papers to a particular Section. Panels should include 4-5 Papers. There are no rules requiring proposers of Panels to belong to an ECPR member institution, but they must hold a MyECPR account.

Panel and Paper proposers should complete the proposal process through the MyECPR area of the ECPR website. Once logged in, proposers should select which Section their Panel or Paper should be considered for (and, in the case of topics that cross more than one theme, the name of the alternative Section should be included within their abstract). Panel proposers are required to select up to eight keywords.

When completing their application, Panel proposers must include details of the Panel abstract, Chair, Discussant, Papers and Paper Presenters and Co-authors.

Panel Proposers should have the following information to hand to complete the Panel proposal form:

  • The name/number of the Section they wish to propose to
  • The Panel Co-Chair’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account
  • The title of the Panel (no more than 20 words)
  • The abstract (no more than 500 words)
  • The Discussant’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account
  • The title of each Paper
  • The abstract of each Paper (no more than 250 words)
  • The Presenter’s email address as registered in their MyECPR account
  • The Co-author’s email address as registered in their My ECPR account
  • Panel proposers will have to select 3-8 keywords from a pre-determined list, indicating the subject, theme and scope of the Panel. These keywords are used to categorise Panels (as well as Sections and Papers) within the academic programme in order to enable browsing and searching of both the online and printed programme. It is therefore important that proposers select appropriate keywords for their submission.

Paper Proposers should have the following information to hand to complete the individual Paper proposal form:

  • The name/number of the Section they wish to propose to
  • The title of the Paper (no more than 20 words)
  • The abstract of the Paper (no more than 250 words)
  • The Co-author’s email address as registered in their My ECPR account
  • Paper proposers will have to select 3-8 keywords from a pre-determined list, indicating the subject, theme and scope of the Paper. These keywords are used to categorise Papers (as well as Sections and Papers) within the academic programme in order to enable browsing and searching of both the online and printed programme. It is therefore important that proposers select appropriate keywords for their submission.

The deadline to submit complete Panels (with Papers) and individual Paper proposals is 15 November 2016 (midnight GMT).

From 15 September 2016, Section Chairs can view Panels and Papers being proposed to their Section via MyECPR. From 7 November 2016 the Academic Convenors will review the number of Panels/Papers received and will determine the number of Panels per Section. Please note that some Sections may be requested to reduce the number of Panels or accept additional Panels by the Academic Convenors.

From 16 November 2016, Section Chairs may accept and decline Panel and Paper proposals in their Section.  Section Chairs have until 8 December 2016 to finalise their Sections via MyECPR.

NB: Section Chairs are expected to evaluate both Panel proposals and individual Paper proposals and allocate individual Paper proposals to Panels and, where appropriate, form Panels out of individual Paper proposals.

It is the Section Chair’s responsibility to allocate Chairs and Discussants for Panels in the Section.

When evaluating Panels and Papers for acceptance, Section Chairs should use the following criteria:

  • Quality of the proposal
  • Fit with Section theme

From 8 December 2016 the Academic Convenors will review the accepted Panels and Papers in order to finalise the Academic Programme. The deadline for Academic Convenors to complete their review is 15 December 2016.

The Academic Convenors may use their discretion to reallocate Panels and Papers to Sections and Panels where this is required. Section Chairs may, therefore, be asked to accommodate new Panels in their Sections, and Panel Chairs may be asked to accommodate extra Papers within their Panels. Similarly, Section Chairs may also be asked to reduce the number of their Panels and rearrange their Papers accordingly.

Panel Chairs and Paper presenters will be contacted with the Academic Convenors’ decision in mid-December 2016.

Final Academic Programme

The Academic Programme will be available on the ECPR website mid-December and participants will be notified of the outcome of their proposal by this date. A full timetable will be published by late-March 2017.  Participants should ensure scheduling requests have been submitted to the Events Team by 15 February 2017.  Please note: we are unable to guarantee scheduling requests will be accommodated, but we will do our best to schedule Panels accordingly.


Online registration opens on 1 December 2016. Further details, including registration fees, will be on the ECPR website in due course; please check the cancellation policy. Participants attending and appearing in any capacity in the Academic Programme must register and pay before midnight GMT on 15 February 2017. Registration and payment takes place through MyECPR. Anyone who has not registered and paid by this date will not be included in the conference and automatically withdrawn from the conference and replaced.

Paper upload

Accepted Papers may be uploaded to the ECPR website via the Presenter’s MyECPR account by 1 June 2017. Please note only the person listed as Presenter can upload the Paper. Papers should be uploaded in PDF format, in English. There are no specific requirements other than these. For specific preferences, please contact your Panel Chair directly.

Please be aware that the uploading of a Paper via a MyECPR account constitutes agreement for the ECPR to publish the Paper on the website.

Further information

Please contact the Events Team with questions about any aspect of the ECPG Conference. The ECPR website will be updated regularly with information about the academic and social programmes, registration, hotel accommodation, etc. We will also make regular announcements in ECPR e-bulletins. Participants should ensure they are subscribed to the ‘Events’ mailing list via MyECPR.

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Studii Salmantini. Campus de excelencia internacional