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CFP for The Educational Forum’s themed issue on Sexuality, Gender, Identity, and Education.

Theme of Sexuality, Gender, Identity and Education

The Educational ForumCall for Papers for Themed Issue (Volume79/Number 4/Fall 2015) of The Educational Forum on Sexuality, Gender, Identity and Education. Despite changes in the social landscape of contemporary life, the spectre of sexuality, gender, and other related markers of identity still elicit strong and often polarizing reactions in relation to K-16 education and beyond. Tensions about sexuality being fluid or fixed are still being debated, and understandings about gender as a social construction or biological definition provoke heated and politicized argument. The Educational Forum is interested in exploring questions about how, where, when and in what ways sexuality and gender relate to identity and inform educational practice, specifically in relation to teaching, learning, curriculum, classroom culture and educational policy. The Educational Forum, Kappa Delta Pi’s premier educational research journal, is seeking articles for its Fall 2015 themed issue titled “Sexuality, Gender, Identity, and Education.” The Educational Forum is an international peer-reviewed journal whose mission is to “publish compelling research findings and thought-provoking perspectives as a catalyst for stimulating and encouraging research and dialogue and for advancing and transforming education.”At a time when personal attitudes and public policies are shifting, The Educational Forum seeks to articulate what the shift means for our educational systems and the actual lived experience of teachers, students, administrators, parents, curriculum developers, and other stakeholders through original empirical research and conceptual essays. Exploring ways of understanding sexualities, genders, and identities as they influence, and are influenced by, educational practices, cultures, policies, and interactive life in classrooms generates questions and questioning processes that suggest a framework for this issue, including (but are not limited to):

  • How do issues of sexuality, gender, and identity transform (and become transformed by) school settings and cultures, particularly when perceived as “too controversial”?
  • How are learning and teaching grounded in, affected by, and inspired by sexualities, genders, and other identifications including heteronormativity?
  • When sexualities, genders, and other identities are explored, what is the “value added” as well as the tensions, challenges and obstacles? How can we resolve them?
  • How have technologies contributed to broader understandings of how sexualities, genders, and other identifications play out (or should play out) in education?
  • What are current constructions and manifestations of queer pedagogy and how do they parallel (or not) other critical approaches to teaching?
  • How have shifts in public attitudes and social policies affected the realities of students, teachers, administrators, and staff, including any resultant backlash, assumptions about assimilation, and attitudes about what curriculum should include?

Papers that connect the issues and themes of “Sexuality, Gender, Identity, and Education” to classroom practices and student/teacher experiences are of particular interest.

Submission Guidelines

For full and specific instructions to authors, including page lengths and formats, please visit our web link at:

Submission deadline: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Submissions must be made at
Note to Authors: Please include the code 794 at the beginning of your manuscript title

For more information on The Educational Forum, please visit the journal’s webpage:

Contact either Academic Editor Dr. Alan Amtzis at or Managing Editor Emily Zoss at with additional questions.

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