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Universidad de Salamanca
Prof. Dr. Catalina S. Sanz Lozano
Departamento de Microbiología y Genética. Facultad de Biología
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About me


I graduated in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Salamanca (USAL) (1993-1998) with an average record of Outstanding. In the last year of my Bachelor’s degree, I obtained a Collaboration Grant and later a Predoctoral Grant for University Teacher Training (1999-2002), both in charge of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture in the Department of Microbiology and Genetics of the USAL. This Predoctoral stage culminated in 2004 with the defense of my Doctoral Thesis and obtaining the highest qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude. I carried out my POST-DOCTORAL stage (2004-2010) in the Immunoalergy Service of the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine -Yeshiva University (New York, USA). In September 2010 I obtained the position of ASSISTANT TEACHER at USAL. Since then, I have maintained an intense TEACHING ACTIVITY, taking responsibility for the teaching of more than 2500 hours in different subjects of Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate in the Faculty of Biology of the USAL. I have coordinated several Teaching Innovation Projects and participated in numerous teacher training courses. In 2014 I obtained the Accreditation for the figure of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, occupying this position since 2017 after being the candidate selected for said promotion by the “ESPECIALLY RELEVANT MERITS” procedure. I have obtained the maximum qualification of “EXCELLENT” in the DOCENTIA program of the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León for two consecutive periods (2011-2015; 2016-2020).

Regarding my RESEARCH ACTIVITY, I have recognized three six-year research terms by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation, I have been a member of the research team of more than 50 Research Projects and Contracts (12 as Principal Investigator). These works have given rise to more than 60 publications in Indexed Journals in the JCR (29 of them Q1 and 24 D1 ) that have received more than 1000 citations by the scientific community, 9 Book Chapters, and more than 80 Communications to Conferences. I have established Collaborations with different Research Groups both in Spain and abroad and I am part of different Associations, Platforms, and National and International Research Networks. I have been the Director of 20 Final Degree / Master Projects and 7 Doctoral Theses (3 more in progress). I have received 6 Research Awards and my Research Group has been distinguished with several recognitions (Research Group of Excellence, Consolidated Research Group, Recognized Research Group). Since 2011 I have been part of the Allergology research group, the leading group in the area of ​​Infectious, Inflammatory, and Metabolic Diseases of the Salamanca Biomedical Research Institute (IBSAL).

Regarding the TRANSFER OF RESULTS TO THE PRODUCTIVE SECTOR, my research has aroused the interest of different companies (Phadia Spain SL, Sweden Diagnostics Spain SL, Merck Shap and Dhome Spain, AstraZéneca pharmaceutical, Fundación de Investigación Médica Mutua Madrileña, Fundación Caja de Burgos de Investigación Clínica y Antibióticos SL) with which I have carried out different research agreements. I have registered a Patent and currently my research team is finalizing the development of an Acute Asthma  Experimental Model for Pharmacogenetic Analysis.

Regarding MANAGEMENT as Research Coordinator of the Immunoalergy Service, I have assumed the Management of the Research Activities of the same since 2004. I am also Secretary of the Salamanca ImmunoAlergy Association (ASIAL), Secretary of the Final Degree Commissions of the Biology and Biotechnology degrees, Member of the Doctoral and Safety Commissions of the Department of Microbiology and Genetics (USAL). Member of the Organizing Committee of a National and a Regional Congresses. I am Member of the Editorial Board and Associate Editor of three indexed publications of the JCR, Reviewer of numerous JCR journals, Evaluator of the call for national health research projects PI2021 (ISCIII). I am an Accredited Member of the Spanish Society of Human Genetics and I belong to different Scientific Committees of Public and Private Institutions.

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