Tag intro

Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript, commonly abbreviated as JS, is a programming language focused on web development. JavaScript Description JavaScript is a multi-purpose, multi-paradigm, interpreted programming language. It is extensively used on web development as a programming language for the front-end and back-end functionality.…

Introduction to Android

Android is an open source operating system aimed for portable devices, but also present in desktop devices. Its kernel is a modified version of Linux kernel. This post is an introduction to the operating system. Explaining Android Android is developed…

Introduction to Rust

Rust is an emerging programming language that focuses on performance. It is free and open-source (FOSS) under an MIT and Apache 2.0 dual-license. It was created by software developer Graydon Hoare while he was working at Mozilla, and it was…

Software Development

Software is the intangible side of computers. It includes programs and data. Software development is the process of creating and deploying software. This post covers some aspects of software development. It is somehow an index to other posts in the…

Cloud Computing

This post is an introduction to the concept of cloud on IT. Cloud Essential Characteristics Cloud essential characteristics: Multitenant is considered within Resource Pooling according to NIST SP 800-145, while ISO/IEC 22123 considers it a different characteristic. Cloud Logical Model…

Introduction to IT Security

This post gives a general and brief overview about IT security and cybersecurity. It also links to other posts within this blog where the information is expanded. Definitions of Information Security and Cybersecurity Information security is in charge of the…

Introduction to Godot Engine

Godot Engine is a cross-platform free and open source (FOSS) video game engine. This post is an introduction about the video game engine. FAQs about Godot Game Engine What are the target platforms for video games generated with Godot? As…

Introduction to WordPress

This post is the main an initial of a series of posts about WordPress. It is an introduction to the topic. Posts within the WordPress series: What is WordPress? WordPress, abbreviate as WP and more correctly called WordPress.org, is a…