Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Android Emulation with BlueStacks

BlueStacks is an application for virtualization of operating systems like Android. BlueStacks can be installed on: Operating Systems that can be emulated: BlueStacks link: Support on enable virtualization on your computer: You might also be interested in…

List of Chromium-based Web Browserss

This post lists some web browsers based on open source Chromium List of Chromium-based Web Browsers List of Chromium-based Web Browsers featured on this post: Chromium Google Chrome Chrome Canary Edge Opera Brave Vivaldi Browser Bromite Iridium Browser Blisk Colibri…

How to scale an image in Java

I programmed my own function, based on other examples: /** * Method that scale an image (BufferedImage) into the specified dimensions * @param sbi Source image * @param imageType Image type among BufferedImage.TYPE_… constants (example: TYPE_INT_ARGB) * @param dWidth Image…

Play sound clip from local file in Java

This solution works only for .wav files. Source code: public void playSound() { try { AudioInputStream audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(“”).getAbsoluteFile()); Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();; clip.start(); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println(“Error with playing sound.”); ex.printStackTrace(); } } External References “Playing…