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Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Ambientales

Beca posdoctoral en ecología y biodiversidad del suelo

Postdoctoral researcher in soil ecology/soil biodiversity (tenure track) 100%

We are seeking a highly motivated researcher with expertise in soil ecology, soil biodiversity and plant soil-interactions. You will characterize communities of soil biota and you will investigate how soil organisms influence plant communities and ecosystems above ground. In addition to performing basic research, you are expected to perform research with an applied value (e.g. to develop recommendations for farmers and consultants of how to stimulate soil biodiversity and how to optimally use beneficial ecosystem services provided by soil organisms).
The first three years, you will be active in the national research program “sustainable use of soil as a resource” (NRP68 – see of the Swiss National Science Foundation. You will work in a project entitled “Recruitment limitation in soil? Restoring soil ecosystem functioning and sustainability by introducing below ground mutualists”. In this project, communities of beneficial soil fungi (specifically arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) will be characterized with molecular tools, and field and greenhouse inoculation trials with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi will be performed to test whether inoculation can enhance plant productivity and ecosystem functioning of agro-ecosystems. This work builds upon ongoing work in the research group (e.g. see van der Heijden et al. 1998 Nature 396: 72-75; van der Heijden et al. (2008) Ecology Letters 11: 296-310; Wagg et al. (2011) Ecology Letters 14: 1001-1009; Verbruggen et al. (2013) New Phytologist (in press – on line).
This work will be performed together with a PhD student, which you will co-supervise. In addition to work for NRP68, you have the opportunity to establish new experiments in the fields of soil ecology, characterisation of soil biodiversity and plant-soil interactions. In the long term you are expected to obtain third party funding and develop an own research line.
You will work at the Swiss Federal Research Institute Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon (ART) in Zurich. ART performs research for agriculture and nature.  You will work in the ecological farming group, a research group with a focus on plant-soil interactions, soil biodiversity, sustainable farming systems and soil ecosystem services. ART has excellent facilities for research with well-equipped laboratories, greenhouses, climate chambers and agricultural fields. For field experiments, a field crew can provide assistance.
We are seeking a highly motivated researcher with expertise in soil ecology, soil biodiversity and plant soil-interactions. You are a team player and you have extensive expertise with molecular tools to characterize microbial communities (e.g. pyrosequencing, next generation sequencing and related bio-informatics).
Applicants should hold a PhD in ecology, molecular biology, agronomy, biology or environmental sciences. You should be willing to learn basic German (for applicants from non-German speaking countries).
The initial appointment is for three years with the possibility of promotion to a permanent position. The salary is according to the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation (the gross salary per month in the first year varies between CHF 7058,- (€ 5881,-)  and CHF 8491 (€ 7076,-) depending on experience). The working place will be at Agroscope in Zurich-Affoltern. The project will start in Spring 2013 (negotiable).
Please mention the keyword “NRP68” on your letter of application. Applicants should submit a complete        academic record, CV, list of publications, statement of research interests, copy of certificates and addresses of 2-3 potential referees to: Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon ART, Fachgruppe Personal, Thomas Zehnder, Reckenholzstrasse 191, 8046 Zürich, Switzerland or e-mail to
For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Marcel van der Heijden, head of the ecological farming systems research group, phone +41 44 377 72 78, (Do not send applications to this e-mail). Deadline for application: 20 January 2013; job interviews will take place on the 29 January 2013.
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