Sistema de blogs Diarium
Universidad de Salamanca
Rebeca Jiménez-Rodríguez
Full Professor / Catedrática de Universidad
diapositiva 3


  1. “Oil Price Shocks and Real GDP Growth: Empirical evidence for some OECD Countries” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez from European Central Bank). Applied Economics, 2005, 37, pp. 201-228.
  2. “Structural Changes in Central and Eastern European economies: Breaking the News or Breaking the Ice?” (jointly with Balazs Egert from OECD, Evzen Kocenda from University of Praga, and Amalia Morales-Zumaquero from University of Málaga). Economic Change and Restructuring, 2006, 39, 85-103.
  3.  “The Impact of Oil Price Shocks: Evidence from the Industries of Six OECD Countries. Energy Economics, 2008, 30, 3095-3108.
  4.  “Institutional Rigidities and Employment Rigidity on the Italian Labour Market” (jointly with Giuseppe Russo from University of Salerno). Applied Economics Quarterly, 2008, 54, pp. 217-227.
  5. “Oil Price Shocks and Real GDP Growth: Testing for Non-linearity”. The Energy Journal, 2009, 30, pp. 1-24.
  6. “Oil Shocks and the Macroeconomy: A Comparison across High Oil Price Periods” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Applied Economics Letters, 2009, 16, pp. 1633-1638.
  7. “The Importance of Oil Price Shocks for the Economy” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Harvard College Economics Review, 2009, 3, pp. 27-29.
  8. “Oil-induced stagflation: A comparison across major G7 economies and shock episodes” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Applied Economics Letters, 2010, 17, pp 1537-1541.
  9. “The Effect of Foreign Shocks in Central and Eastern Europe” (jointly with Balazs Egert and Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Journal of Policy Modeling, 2010, 32, pp. 461-477.
  10. “Macroeconomic Structure and Oil Price Shocks at the Industrial Level. International Economic Journal, 2011, 25, pp. 173-189.
  11. “Food Price Pass-through in the Euro Area: The Role of Asymmetries and Non-linearities” (jointly with Gianluigi Ferrucci from European Central Bank  y Luca Onorante from European Central Bank). International Journal of Central Banking, 2012, 8 (1), pp. 179-217.
  12. “Oil Price Shocks and Japanese Macroeconomic Developments” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 2012, 26 (1), pp. 69-83.
  13. “Evaluating the Effects of Investment in Information and Communication Technology”. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2012, 21 (2), pp. 203-221.
  14. “Aggregate Employment Dynamics and (Partial) Labour Market Reforms” (jointly with Giuseppe Russo). Bulletin of Economic Research, 2012, 64 (3), pp. 430-448.
  15. “Business Cycle Synchronization between Euro Area and Central and Eastern European Countries” (jointly with Balazs Egert and Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Review of Development Economics, 2013, 17 (2), 379-395.
  16. “Oil Price Shocks and Business Cycles in Major OECD Economies“ (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). In: “Nonlinear Time Series and Finance”, Ed. Universidad de Guadalajara, Editors: Semei Coronado Ramírez, Pedro Luis Celso Arellano and Carlos Trejo Pech, (2014, México).
  17. “Nominal and Real Exchange Rates Co-movements” (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Journal of Applied Economics, 2014, 17 (2), 283-300.
  18. “Oil price shocks and stock markets: Testing for non-linearity”. Empirical Economics, 2015, 48 (3), 1079-1102.
  19. “What happens to the relationship between public debt and economic growth in European countries?” (jointly with Araceli Rodríguez-López). Economics and Business Letters, 2015, 4 (4), 151-160.
  20. “A New Look at Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the G-7 Countries” (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Journal of Policy Modeling, 2016, 38 (5), 985-1000.
  21. A New Look at Oil Price Pass-through into Inflation: Evidence from Disaggregated European Data” (jointly with César Castro, Pilar Poncela and Eva Senra). Economia Politica – Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2017, 34, 55-82.
  22. Oil Price Pass-through Along the Price Chain in the Euro Area” (jointly with César Castro). Energy Economics, 2017, 64, 24-30.
  23. An empirical analysis of the relationships between crude oil, gold and stock markets” (jointly with Semei Coronado and Omar Rojas). The Energy Journal, 2018, Vol. 39, SI1, 193-207.
  24. What happens to the relationship between EU allowances prices and stock market indices in Europe?“. Energy Economics, 2019, Vol. 81, 13-24.
  25. BRICS: How Important is the Exchange Rate Pass-Through?“ (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). The World Economy, 2020, vol 43(3), 781-793.
  26. Impact of Commodity Prices on Exchange Rates in Commodity Exporting Countries” (jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). The World Economy, 2020, vol 43(7), 1868-1906.
  27. Dynamic interactions between oil price and exchange rate” (jointly with César Castro). PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(8): e0237172.
  28. Commodity Price Pass-through Along the Pricing Chain“(jointly with Amalia Morales-Zumaquero). Review of World Economics, 2022, vol. 158(1), 109 – 125.
  29. Oil shocks and global economy“. Energy Economics, 2022, vol. 115: 106373.
  30. Time-Varying Relation between Oil Shocks and European Stock Market Returns” (jointly with César Castro and Renatas Kizys). Journal of Risk and Financial Management2023, 16(3), 174.
  31. Introduction to the Special Issue “New Challenges in International Economics and Finance” (jointly with María A. Prats). The World Economy2023, 46(9), 2558-2563.
  32. “Oil Prices and Spain’s Interest Rates: Did the Link Change After EU Accession?” (jointly with Marcelo Sánchez). In: “Analyzing Energy Crises and the Impact of Country Policies on the World”, Ed. IGI Global, Editor: Merve Suna Ozel Ozcan, (2024, Hershey, PA, U.S.A.).
  33. The impact of oil shocks on the stock market” (jointly with César Castro). Global Finance Journal, 2024, vol 60: 100967.
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