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Universidad de Salamanca
Izaskun Elorza
Department of English Studies
winter sunrise



Dr Izaskun Elorza joined the Department of English Studies in 1990. She gained her PhD in English Linguistics at the University of Salamanca in 2005 and during 2006-2007 she was also Honorary Research Associate at the School of English of the University of Liverpool.

Izaskun’s research interests focus in the description of synchronic English linguistics, from the perspective of discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics.

She has been the organiser of the summer introductory workshop ‘Jornadas de Divulgación de la Lingüística de Corpus’ (Salamanca, July 2007), in which Michaela Mahlberg, Mike Scott and Matthew Brook O’Donnel were guest instructors; she has also co-organised, together with Ovidi Carbonell i Cortés, the 2010 International MLAC Conference ‘Mapping Language across Cultures’ (Salamanca, July 2010), as well as the XXIX International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) ‘Empiricism and Analytical Tools for 21st Century Applied Linguistics’ (Salamanca, May 2011), where she also convened the Language Learning Roundtable ‘Corpus Linguistics for 21st Century Applied Linguistics’ (2011). In this roundtable, sponsored by the Language Learning journal (John Wiley), some of the most representative scholars of the areas of corpus linguistics and applied linguistics in America and Europe (Tony Berber-Sardinha, Anna Mauranen, Lourdes Ortega, Giovanni Parodi, Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Ute Römer and Mike Scott) met to discuss the latest achievements of corpus linguistics in relation the the learning of languages with a special focus on the perspective of Spanish and Latin American research. In July 2017, Izaskun organised the 27 Conference of the European Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics, which was held at the University of Salamanca with the theme “Systemic Functional Linguistics at the Crossroads: Intercultual and Contrastive Descriptions of Language”.

At present, Izaskun is interested in supervising postgraduate students in the following areas:

  • multimodal discourse (gender identity in children’s picture books)
  • multimodal discourse (migration)
  • systemic functional linguistics
  • discourse analysis
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