(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.cdf.text *) (*** Wolfram CDF File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/cdf *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 9.0' *) (*************************************************************************) (* *) (* The Mathematica License under which this file was created prohibits *) (* restricting third parties in receipt of this file from republishing *) (* or redistributing it by any means, including but not limited to *) (* rights management or terms of use, without the express consent of *) (* Wolfram Research, Inc. For additional information concerning CDF *) (* licensing and redistribution see: *) (* *) (* www.wolfram.com/cdf/adopting-cdf/licensing-options.html *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 1063, 20] NotebookDataLength[ 182166, 6175] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 171296, 5835] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 172750, 5892] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 172512, 5880] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Optimality for models given by a system of ordinary differential equation \ \>", "Title"], Cell["Last update: 2013-08-27", "Reference"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Author", FontWeight->"Bold"], ": Juan M. Rodr\[IAcute]guez-D\[IAcute]az and Guillermo S\[AAcute]nchez-Le\ \[OAcute]n " }], "Author"], Cell[TextData[{ "Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Pl. de los Ca\[IAcute]dos \ s/n, 37008 Salamanca, Spain\n", StyleBox["ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas S.A. Salamanca, Spain", FontFamily->"NimbusRomNo9L-Regu"] }], "Institution"], Cell["\<\ Many processes are given by a system of ordinary differential equations, very \ often without an analytical solution. When there are unknown parameters, that \ need to be estimated, optimum experimental design approach offers quality \ estimators for the different objectives of the practitioners. But almost \ every optimality criteria needs to deal with the linearized model for \ computing optimal designs, and this can be a great problem when it is not \ possible to obtain the analytical form of the model. In this work, a \ procedure for findingoptimal designs for models given as solutions to a \ system of ordinary differential equations is described. Some important models \ like the compartmental one, are studied through actual case studies, \ obtaining the corresponding optimal designs.\ \>", "Abstract"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData["$Version"], "Input"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"9.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (January 25, \ 2013)\"\>"], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell["", "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ Overview of compartmental and biokinectic equivalents models\ \>", "Section"], Cell["\<\ Compartmental analysis has applications in clinical medicine, \ pharmacokinetics, internal dosimetry, nuclear medicine, ecosystem studies and \ chemical reaction kinetics. It can be described as the analysis of a system \ in terms of compartments which separate the system into a finite number of \ component parts which are called compartments. Compartments interact through \ the exchange of species. Species may be a chemical substance, hormone, \ individuals in a population and so on. A compartmental system is usually \ represented by a flow diagram or a block diagram. A general introduction to \ this theory can be found in Anderson (1983), Godfrey (1983) and Jazquez \ (1985).\ \>", "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "We adopt the convention of representing compartments with circles or \ rectangles. The flow into or out of the compartments is represented by \ arrows. The ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["i", "th"], TraditionalForm]]], " compartment of a system of ", StyleBox["n ", FontSlant->"Italic"], "compartments is labelled ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and the size (amount or content) of the component in compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " as ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "i"], TraditionalForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{"(", FormBox["t", TraditionalForm], ")"}], TraditionalForm]}], TraditionalForm]]], ". The exchange between compartments, or between a compartment and the \ environment is labeled ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], ", where ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " represents the flow from ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " to ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], ". The environment is usually represented by \"0\" (zero), so ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "i0"], TraditionalForm]]], " is the fractional excretion coefficient from the ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], "-th compartment to the outside environment. The input from the \ environment into the ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], "-th compartment is called ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "j"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], ". Environment represents the processes that are outside the system. With \ regards to the environment, we only need to know the flow, ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "j"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], ", into the system from the outside. The ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " are called fractional transfer rate coefficients and they may be a \ function of different variables or constants. " }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1.33333 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.12963 0.21164 0.349206 0.21164 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1.33333 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1.33333 L 0 1.33333 L closepath clip newpath % Start of user PostScript /mathtops { gsave MBeginOrig moveto MEndOrig currentpoint grestore } bind def /MAtocoords { mathtops 4 2 roll mathtops 4 copy pop pop 3 -1 roll sub /arry exch def exch sub /arrx exch def arrx dup mul arry dup mul add sqrt /arrl exch def translate } bind def /MAarrowhead1 { gsave MAtocoords arrl 0. eq { 0 0 Mdot } { [ arrx arrl div arry arrl div -1 arry mul arrl div arrx arrl div 0 0 ] concat -0.05 0.0125 moveto 0 0 lineto -0.05 -0.0125 lineto stroke } ifelse grestore } def /MAarrowhead2 { gsave MAtocoords arrl 0. eq { 0 0 Mdot } { [ arrx arrl div arry arrl div -1 arry mul arrl div arrx arrl div 0 0 ] concat -0.05 0.0125 moveto 0 0 lineto -0.05 -0.0125 lineto fill -0.05 0.0125 moveto 0 0 lineto -0.05 -0.0125 lineto -0.05 0.0125 lineto stroke } ifelse grestore } def % End of user PostScript 0 g .5 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .12963 .66667 m .12963 .45503 L s % Start of user PostScript 0 1.5 0 0.5 MAarrowhead1 % End of user PostScript gsave .04497 .56085 -80.4375 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 0 20.5 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 69.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (b) show 75.000 14.250 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 7.125 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (1) show %%IncludeResource: font Math2Mono %%IncludeFont: Math2Mono /Math2Mono findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 79.875 12.750 moveto (H) show 85.875 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (t) show %%IncludeResource: font Math2Mono %%IncludeFont: Math2Mono /Math2Mono findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 91.875 12.750 moveto (L) 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pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 0 20.5 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (k) show 69.000 14.250 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 7.125 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (21) show 78.250 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore newpath .87037 .34921 .10582 0 365.73 arc s gsave .87037 .34921 -66 -10.25 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 0 20.5 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (2) show 69.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .87037 .66667 m .87037 .45503 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.5 1.5 3.5 0.5 MAarrowhead1 % End of user 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scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 73.875 12.750 moveto (H) show 79.875 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (t) show %%IncludeResource: font Math2Mono %%IncludeFont: Math2Mono /Math2Mono findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 85.875 12.750 moveto (L) show 91.875 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .87037 .24339 m .87037 .03175 L s % Start of user PostScript 3.5 -0.5 3.5 -1.5 MAarrowhead2 % End of user PostScript gsave .80688 .13757 -70.625 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index 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Math2Mono /Math2Mono findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 79.875 12.750 moveto (H) show 85.875 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (t) show %%IncludeResource: font Math2Mono %%IncludeFont: Math2Mono /Math2Mono findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 91.875 12.750 moveto (L) show 97.875 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore newpath .5 .98413 .10582 0 365.73 arc s gsave .5 .98413 -66 -10.25 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall 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dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 0 20.5 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (k) show 69.000 14.250 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 7.125 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (13) show 78.250 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .47884 .87831 m .21429 .42328 L s % Start of user PostScript 1.65 2.5 0.4 0.35 MAarrowhead2 % End of user PostScript gsave .39418 .62434 -70.625 -10.25 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 0 20.5 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (k) show 69.000 14.250 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 7.125 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (31) show 78.250 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .58466 .92063 m .84921 .45503 L s % Start of user PostScript 2.15 2.7 3.4 0.5 MAarrowhead2 % End of user PostScript gsave .60582 .62434 -70.625 -10.25 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 0 20.5 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 12.750 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 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NFrgxZ40+bXsfwlJcrSGTNCMMLwq9WKgWfa/hiRaBTDYeA0trUAYLYq/hSRa /TBamDt2G6ss5t5dvHyYVnMs+1dc/nrV6Csm6auOUK9EfdUkfc0R6tWtr5mk rztCvWL2dZP0jfJDtJhx375hku4rPxore/eZpPvLj8Zq4f0m6Vj5IQt8xwzh 38DQ75ukBx3kgz0TjCi3dhB8fn/ALN+Tj2BltvxOSx4PrOYc3w1N9XPhYtCx NZTtAUgiVxDtOw8xEccgiVxHtG+vJhGJPmY9aT1pPcklfdk1pfS9tRQgY0WY fc6Odzjrs2bTV9fSzpOVbKb30Zcwo/eqNnRPIBxpiCh/VS9jdLtwlfbkrFgT YKe/4bPlfFUbOg6W9HDJaULLW2zBKW6/pJO2+30JKIXnBJrWi43dbo30X17M ujWyUexqleI31QW0Xi4AbKiuVsl/F3WKryfsfN+Q6n7fNet+rV/jbcKsa/16 1Speq7KuyMutQf2/a871GcbPGR3ASt7NltsthdU469qzRhH0CNXLzWiJJw1B Zd3T1ajXCaibrdcbTx/tjViJR/0qGbSsJ60nrfIk+fGttfW9GPp/s9LKlQ== \ \>"],ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 952}, {1270, 0}} -> {-0.612526, -1.65169, \ 0.0198532, 0.0198532}}], Cell["Figure 1. The general tricompartmental system.", "FigureCaption"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Figure ", CounterBox["FigureCaption"], " represents the general tricompartmental model with one input and output \ in each compartment. If we suppose that the substance introduced into the \ system is a radioactive isotope we mush considered the radioactive decay, it \ is given by a constant rate represented by \[Lambda] (decay constant), it is \ specific for each isotope (obviously \[Lambda] = 0 if no radioactive \ substances are presents or they are long life isotopes) . The decay constant \ can be interpreted by an equal flow going out of the system in each \ compartment. The model can be represented by the follow ODE System " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "'"}], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm]]], " ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}], " ", "-", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "10"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "12"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "13"], "+", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "21"], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "31"], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", "t", ")"}], " "}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "'"}], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm]]], " ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "-", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "20"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "21"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "23"], "+", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "32"], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", "t", ")"}]}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "'"}], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm]]], " ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "3"], " ", RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "13"], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], " ", "-", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "30"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "31"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "32"], "+", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", "t", ")"}], " "}]}], TraditionalForm]]] }], "NumberedEquation"], Cell["in matrix notation ", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ { FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "'"}], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}], TraditionalForm]}, { RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "'"}], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]}, { RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "'"}], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]} }], ")"}], "=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ { SubscriptBox["a", "11"], SubscriptBox["a", "12"], SubscriptBox["a", "13"]}, { SubscriptBox["a", "21"], SubscriptBox["a", "22"], SubscriptBox["a", "23"]}, { SubscriptBox["a", "31"], SubscriptBox["a", "32"], SubscriptBox["a", "33"]} }], ")"}], RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ { FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]}, { RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]}, { RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]} }], ")"}]}], "+", RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ { RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "1"], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]}, { RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "2"], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]}, { RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "3"], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}]}]} }], ")"}]}]}]], "Text", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0], Cell["with", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "11"], "=", RowBox[{"-", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "10"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "12"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "13"], "+", " ", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}]}]}], " ", ";", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "12"], " ", "=", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "21"]}], ";", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "13"], "=", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "31"]}], ";"}], "\n", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "21"], "=", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], ";", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "22"], "=", RowBox[{"-", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "20"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "21"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "23"], "+", " ", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}]}]}], " ", ";", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "23"], "=", SubscriptBox["k", "32"]}], ";"}], "\n", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "31"], "=", SubscriptBox["k", "13"]}], ";", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "32"], "=", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "23"]}], ";", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["a", "33"], "=", RowBox[{"-", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "30"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "31"], " ", "+", " ", SubscriptBox["k", "32"], "+", " ", "\[Lambda]"}], ")"}]}]}], ";"}]}], "Text", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0], Cell[TextData[{ "In some circumstances, instead of compartments we have parts o process than \ can be represented by transference between Different parts, for example, when \ blood flow or other physiological parameter is measured. In those \ circumstances the transfer rate constants ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " are associated with physiologically meaningful values that correspond to \ the measured physiological parameter or may be a function of them. However, \ if the physiological parameters are constants models are mathematically \ equivalent with compartmental models. We will refer in general to kinetic \ models. " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "The patterns that we have seen can be expanded to systems of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["n", TraditionalForm]]], " compartments or ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["n", TraditionalForm]]], " state variables (in the case of physiological models). The equation for \ any compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " in notation matrix is given by" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[{ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox[ OverscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "."], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "t", ")"}], " ", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], StyleBox[" ", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], "(", "t", ")"}], FontSlant->"Plain"]}], StyleBox[" ", FontWeight->"Bold"], "+", " ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "t", ")"}]}]}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"t", "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"}]}], TraditionalForm], "\[IndentingNewLine]", FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "0", ")"}], " ", "=", " ", SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "0"]}], TraditionalForm]}], "EquationNumbered", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0, CellTags->"eq1"], Cell["where:", "Text", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], "=", " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}], ",", " ", "...", ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "n"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], "}"}], "T"]}], TraditionalForm]]], " is a column vector and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", SubscriptBox["x", "i"]}], TraditionalForm]]], "(t) denote the amount or content of species in compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], ". " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold"], " is a ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"n", "\[Cross]", "n"}], TraditionalForm]]], " is usually known as the system matrix given by coefficients", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", SubscriptBox["a", "ij"]}], TraditionalForm]]], "= g(", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], ") where ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " are constant specifics of each model (in compartmental models they are \ obtained in the form that has been descried) " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], " ", "=", " ", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}], ",", "...", ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "n"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], "}"}], "T"], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "is a column vector where {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["b", "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], "} is the input rate into compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"i", " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "from outside system. " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "0", ")"}], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], " = ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], TraditionalForm], "(", "0", ")"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], TraditionalForm], "(", "0", ")"}], ",", " ", "...", ",", " ", RowBox[{ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "n"], TraditionalForm], "(", "0", ")"}]}], "}"}], FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["", "T"], TraditionalForm]}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "are the initial conditions, so ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "i"], "(", "0", ")"}], ","}], TraditionalForm]]], " represents the amount or content of species in compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", "t"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = 0. " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "The solution of eq(", CounterBox["EquationNumbered", "eq1"], ") when the coeffs ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["a", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " are constants is eq(", CounterBox["EquationNumbered", "eq2"], ")" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm], FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "0"], TraditionalForm], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm], " "}]}], TraditionalForm]}], "+", RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm], " ", "*", FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], TraditionalForm], " \t"}]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]], "EquationNumbered", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1, CellTags->"eq2"], Cell["where * denotes convolution,", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]}], ")"}], " ", "*", FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], TraditionalForm]}], " ", "=", " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubsuperscriptBox["\[Integral]", "0", "t"], RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Exp", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"t", "-", "\[Tau]"}], ")"}], StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"]}], "]"}], " ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "\[Tau]", ")"}], RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", "\[Tau]"}]}]}], TraditionalForm], " \t"}], TraditionalForm]], "Equation", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1], Cell[TextData[{ "Sometime Laplace transforms are used to solve eq (", CounterBox["EquationNumbered", "eq1"], "). " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["X", "Matrix"], "(", "s", ")"}], " ", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"s", " ", StyleBox["I", "Matrix"]}], " ", "-", StyleBox["A", "Matrix"]}], ")"}], " "}], RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", "Matrix"], "0"]}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"s", " ", StyleBox["I", "Matrix"]}], " ", "-", StyleBox["A", "Matrix"]}], ")"}], " "}], RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], " ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["B", "Matrix"], "(", "s", ")"}]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]}], TraditionalForm]], "EquationNumbered", CellTags->"eq3"], Cell[TextData[{ "where ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["X", "Matrix"], "(", "s", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["B", "Matrix"], "(", "s", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " are the Laplace transforms of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", "Matrix"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["b", "Matrix"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], ". Then evaluating the inverse Laplace transformation is obtained: " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm], RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["\[ScriptCapitalL]", RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"s", " ", StyleBox["I", "Matrix"]}], " ", "-", "A"}], ")"}], " "}], RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], UnderscriptBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", "Matrix"], "0"], " "]}], ")"}]}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["\[ScriptCapitalL]", RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"s", " ", StyleBox["I", "Matrix"]}], " ", "-", StyleBox["A", "Matrix"]}], ")"}], " "}], RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], " ", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ UnderscriptBox[ StyleBox["B", "Matrix"], " "], "Matrix"], "(", "s", ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], TraditionalForm]}], TraditionalForm]], "EquationNumbered", CellTags->"eq4"], Cell["\<\ Both methods are used for BIOKMOD software for solving eq.(1) developped for \ ones of the authors.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "In many circumstance some parameters of biokinetic models represented by \ eq. (1) (one o more ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " coefficients), that we will call", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{"\[Beta]", " ", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["\[Beta]", "1"], ",", "...", ",", SubscriptBox["\[Beta]", "p"]}], " ", "}"}], " "}]}], TraditionalForm]]], ", are unknown an they are estimated by fitting experimental data. It means \ that we measure ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["y", "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], ", being ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["y", "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], "(t, \[Beta])+\[Epsilon], for different moments of ", StyleBox["t", FontSlant->"Italic"], ": ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["y", "^"], "i"], "(", SubscriptBox["t", "0"], ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " , ..., ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["y", "^"], "i"], "(", SubscriptBox["t", "n"], ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], ". Then we estimated ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"\[Beta]", " ", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["\[Beta]", "1"], ",", "...", ",", SubscriptBox["\[Beta]", "p"]}], " ", "}"}], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], " by fitting ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["y", "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["y", "^"], "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], "." }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "We propose chose the best moments {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "0"], TraditionalForm]]], ",.., ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], ", ... ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "n"], TraditionalForm]]], "} to take the experimental data. It it can be done using techniques of \ Optimal Design of Experiment (ODE), in particular we chose apply a ", StyleBox["D", FontSlant->"Italic"], "-optimal design." }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "In a ", StyleBox["D", FontSlant->"Italic"], "-optimal design the values of {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "1"], TraditionalForm]]], ",.., ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], ", ... ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "n"], TraditionalForm]]], "}", StyleBox[" (", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->0}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], StyleBox[" is the time when the ", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->0}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], StyleBox["-th sample should be taken)", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->0}], " are given in the points that leads the determinant of the Fisher \ information matrix (M) to a maximum. The process to obtain M will be \ described later (it can be found in Hill, P. D. H., 1980, D-optimal designs \ for partially nonlinear regression models. Technometrics 22:275\[Dash]276). " }], "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Derivatives ", "Section"], Cell[TextData[{ "The standard method to obtain the maximum of Det|M| requires to know the \ analytical expression of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], "(t, \[Beta]). In this paper we propose a method to compute the ", StyleBox["D", FontSlant->"Italic"], "-optimal design in biokinetic system descried by ODE with the pattern of eq \ (2) when analytical expression of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], "(t, \[Beta]) cannot be obtained. " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "In the ", StyleBox["D", FontSlant->"Italic"], "-optimal design method the derivatives with respect to \[Beta] must be \ evaluated " }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "We used a subscript in parentheses to denote differentiation with respect \ to a parameter, so ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", "x"}], "/", RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", "\[Beta]"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], " = ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", RowBox[{"(", "\[Beta]", ")"}]], TraditionalForm]]], "." }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "When in eq(1) ", StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold"], " depends of \[Beta], but not ", StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold"], "(", StyleBox["t", FontSlant->"Italic"], ") and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "0"], TraditionalForm]], CellChangeTimes->{{3.545219786048807*^9, 3.54521978782721*^9}}, TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0], " we can get the derivatives of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], "(t, \[Beta]) by differentiation of eq.(1) " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox[ OverscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "."], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "t", ")"}], " ", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], StyleBox[" ", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], "(", "t", ")"}], FontSlant->"Plain"]}], StyleBox[" ", FontWeight->"Bold"], "+", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], StyleBox[" ", FontWeight->"Bold"], StyleBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], "(", "t", ")"}], FontSlant->"Plain"], StyleBox[" ", 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As\[IAcute] se indica en Bates, en el parrafo que sigue a la ec \ (5.14). \nPara calcular X(p)(0) lo que hace es d(Xo)/dp, es decir deriva \ X(0)= Xo respecto de a. Lo anterior lo corrobora en el ejemplo de la pag. 179 \ Tetracycline 5.La conclusi\[OAcute]n es que siempre se debe tomar X(p)(0)=0, \ excepto cuando las condiciones iniciales son funcion de p, esto es X(0)= \ Xo(p).\nPara mi tiene sentido fisiol\[OAcute]gico, si p es un factor de \ trasferencia no experimentara ningun efecto sobre las condiciones iniciales y \ por tanto suderivada sera cero. Sin embargo si p es un parametro que afecta a \ las condiciones iniciales su derivada sera distinto de cero. Por ejemplo: en \ el modelo pulmonar la deposicion en el pulmon en t = 0 de pendende del amad \ p. En este caso x(0) si depende del AMAD p y por tanto su valor es distinto \ de cero y su derivada en t=0 tambien lo es. De hecho en mi opini\[OAcute]n no \ tiene sentido tener que calcular x(p) (t), entonces derivar X(p)(t)\nrespecto \ de t y despues calcular el valor que toma en t=0 pues para ello necesitas \ conocer previamente X(p)(t) que es justo lo que se pretende calcular\n" }], "Text", CellOpen->False, FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]], Cell[TextData[{ "As ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], "(", "0", ")"}], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "= ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], RowBox[{"0", " "}]], TraditionalForm]]], " \[DoubleRightArrow] ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], "(", "0", ")"}], TraditionalForm]], CellChangeTimes->{{3.5447640671672773`*^9, 3.5447640671672773`*^9}, { 3.5447718888984756`*^9, 3.5447718919093723`*^9}, {3.544772156556254*^9, 3.544772175058447*^9}, 3.545221994076685*^9, {3.5452220379751625`*^9, 3.5452220554939933`*^9}, {3.5452222361891108`*^9, 3.5452222459547276`*^9}, {3.5452223932969866`*^9, 3.5452223967289925`*^9}, {3.545222439519868*^9, 3.5452224437162747`*^9}, { 3.5452225817297173`*^9, 3.545222596159743*^9}, {3.545222720975562*^9, 3.5452227993188996`*^9}, 3.5452235168577595`*^9, {3.5452235871514835`*^9, 3.545223593204294*^9}, {3.545289924803893*^9, 3.5452899289691*^9}, 3.545325197671214*^9, {3.569397839419585*^9, 3.5693978678780355`*^9}, { 3.5693978984228888`*^9, 3.5693978992028904`*^9}, {3.569397958763795*^9, 3.5693979739426217`*^9}, 3.5693980788996058`*^9, {3.569398323135635*^9, 3.5693983599048996`*^9}, {3.569398409653387*^9, 3.569398429496622*^9}, { 3.56939846249168*^9, 3.5693984982313423`*^9}, 3.569398532910204*^9, 3.5694211399326773`*^9, {3.5694211840963545`*^9, 3.5694212668389*^9}, 3.5694215024803143`*^9}, TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1], "=0 therefore: " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold"], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "0"], "Exp"}], TraditionalForm], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm], " ", "*", " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]}]}], TraditionalForm]}], "+", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm], " ", "*", RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm], " ", "*", FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], TraditionalForm]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]], "EquationNumbered", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1], Cell[TextData[{ "In the the particular case that the input happen in ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", "=", "0"}], TraditionalForm]]], ", that is ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "(", "0", ")"}], " ", "=", " ", SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "0"]}], TraditionalForm]], CellChangeTimes->{{3.545219786048807*^9, 3.54521978782721*^9}}, TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0], " with ", StyleBox["b", FontWeight->"Bold"], "(", StyleBox["t", FontSlant->"Italic"], ")=0 for ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ">", "0"}], TraditionalForm]]], ". Then" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold"], FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], " ", "="}], TraditionalForm], FormBox[ RowBox[{ StyleBox[ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], "0"], "Exp"}], TraditionalForm], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm], " ", "*", " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{"t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]}]}], TraditionalForm]}]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]], "EquationNumbered", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]}], ")"}], " ", "*", FormBox[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]}], ")"}], " "}], TraditionalForm]}], " ", "=", " ", FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubsuperscriptBox["\[Integral]", "0", "t"], RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Exp", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"t", "-", "\[Tau]"}], ")"}], StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"]}], "]"}], " ", RowBox[{ FormBox["Exp", TraditionalForm], "(", RowBox[{ StyleBox["A", FontWeight->"Bold", FontSlant->"Plain"], " ", "\[Tau]"}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", "\[Tau]"}]}]}], TraditionalForm], " \t"}], TraditionalForm]], "Equation", TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->1] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["The iodine model", "Section"], Cell[TextData[{ "Let's consider the iodine biokinetic model represented in the figure ", CounterBox["FigureCaption", "fig2"], " (ICRP 78) where compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["1", TraditionalForm]]], " is the blood, compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["2", TraditionalForm]]], " is the thyroid, compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["3", TraditionalForm]]], " is the rest of the body, compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["4", TraditionalForm]]], " is the bladder, ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"3", "\[Rule]", "0"}], TraditionalForm]]], ", i.e. a transfer from compartment ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["3", TraditionalForm]]], " to the environment, represents the output to the gastro intestinal tract \ (GIT) and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"4", "\[Rule]", "0"}], TraditionalForm]]], " represents the output, via urine excretion, to the environment. In the \ follow we won`t consider compartment 4 that is not relevant in our case. We \ will assume a flow from compartment 1 to outside given by a transfer \ coefficients ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "10"], TraditionalForm]]], ". The coefficient transfer values, in ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["days", RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], TraditionalForm]]], ", taken from ICRP 78 are ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "10"], TraditionalForm]]], "= 1.9404, ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "30"], TraditionalForm]]], "= 0.01155 and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "31"], TraditionalForm]]], "= 0.0462. We will suppose that ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], TraditionalForm]]], " are unknown, although we know that their values will be about ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], "=", "0.8"}], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], "=", "0.0078"}], TraditionalForm]]], ". We wish estimate them taken experiment data from compartment 1 . The \ problem consist on decide by DOE the best moment to taken the sample. " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ GraphicsBox[{ArrowBox[{{0, 1.5}, {0, 0.5}}], InsetBox["\<\" \\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(b\\), \\(1\\)]\\)(t)\"\>", \ {-0.4, 1}, {0, -1}], CircleBox[{0, 0}, 0.5], InsetBox["\<\"1\"\>", {0, 0}, {0, 0}], CircleBox[{0, -2}, 0.5], ArrowBox[{{0.5, 0.}, {3, 0.}}], InsetBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(k\\), \\(12\\)]\\)\"\>", \ {1.75, 0.4}, {0, 0}], ArrowBox[{{0, -0.5}, {0, -1.5}}], InsetBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(k\\), \\(14\\)]\\)\"\>", \ {0.3, -0.8}, {0, 0}], CircleBox[{3.5, 0}, 0.5], InsetBox["\<\"4\"\>", {0, -2}, {0, 0}], ArrowBox[{{0., -2.5}, {0, -3.5}}], InsetBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(k\\), \\(40\\)]\\)\"\>", \ {0.3, -2.8}, {0, 0}], InsetBox["\<\"2\"\>", {3.5, 0}, {0, 0}], ArrowBox[{{3.5, -0.5}, {3.5, -1.5}}], InsetBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(k\\), \\(23\\)]\\)\"\>", {3.2, -1}, \ {0, -1}], CircleBox[{3.5, -2}, 0.5], InsetBox["\<\"3\"\>", {3.5, -2}, {0, 0}], ArrowBox[{{3., -1.8}, {0.4, -0.3}}], InsetBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(k\\), \\(31\\)]\\)\"\>", {2., -1}, \ {0, -1}], ArrowBox[{{4, -2.}, {5, -2}}], InsetBox["\<\"\\!\\(\\*SubscriptBox[\\(k\\), \\(30\\)]\\)\"\>", {4.3, -2}, \ {0, -1}]}, AspectRatio->Automatic]], "Text"], Cell["Figure 2. Iodine biokinetic models (ICRP 78)", "FigureCaption", CellTags->"fig2"], Cell[TextData[{ "Here it is downloaded the package Sysmodel (included in the Biokmod Tool \ available in ", ButtonBox["http://www3.enusa.es/webMathematica/Public/Docs/biokmod.zip", BaseStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonData->{ URL["http://www3.enusa.es/webMathematica/Public/Docs/biokmod.zip"], None}, ButtonNote->"http://www3.enusa.es/webMathematica/Public/Docs/biokmod.zip"], ")" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Needs", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}]], "InputOnly"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"SysModel, version 1.4.1 2006-12-19\"\>"], "Print"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "We assume an input of iodine ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["b", "1"], TraditionalForm]]], "(t) into compartment 1. " }], "Text"], Cell["\<\ In this kind of experiment usually is used a isotope of iodine with a decay \ constant \[Lambda] (his value depend on the isotope). The coefficients \ matrix is: \ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"A", "=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"CompartMatrix", "[", RowBox[{"3", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", " ", "2", ",", " ", "k12"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "1.9404"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2", ",", " ", "3", ",", " ", "k23"}], "}"}], " ", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "0.01155"}], "}"}], " ", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", " ", "1", ",", " ", "0.0462"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", "\[Lambda]"}], "]"}], "//", "Chop"}], "//", "TraditionalForm"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"(", "\[NoBreak]", GridBox[{ { RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "k12"}], "-", "\[Lambda]", "-", "1.9404`"}], "0", "0.0462`"}, {"k12", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "k23"}], "-", "\[Lambda]"}], "0"}, {"0", "k23", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Lambda]"}], "-", "0.057749999999999996`"}]} }, GridBoxAlignment->{ 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"TraditionalForm"}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "(", "t", ")"}], "\[LongEqual]", RowBox[{"B", "+", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "k12"}], "-", "1.9404`"}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], "+", RowBox[{"0.0462`", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", "t", ")"}]}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "(", "t", ")"}], "\[LongEqual]", RowBox[{"B", "+", RowBox[{"k12", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"k23", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}]}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "(", "t", ")"}], "\[LongEqual]", RowBox[{"B", "+", RowBox[{"k23", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"0.05775`", " ", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", "t", ")"}]}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "0", ")"}], "\[LongEqual]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", "0", ")"}], "\[LongEqual]", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", "0", ")"}], "\[LongEqual]", "0"}]}], "}"}], TraditionalForm]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "We represent the evolution of the iodine content in the compartment 1 where \ the samples will be taken (using ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], "=", "0.8"}], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], "=", "0.0078"}], TraditionalForm]]], ")" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x1", "[", "t_", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"x2", "[", "t_", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"x3", "[", "t_", "]"}]}], "}"}], " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "[", "t", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "[", "t", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "[", "t", "]"}]}], "}"}], "/.", RowBox[{"SystemDSolve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1.9404"}], "-", "0.80"}], ",", "0", ",", "0.0462"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.8", ",", RowBox[{"-", "0.0078"}], ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0.0078", ",", RowBox[{"-", "0.05775"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", " ", "B", ",", " ", "t", ",", "t", ",", " ", "x"}], "]"}]}], "//", "Chop"}]}], ";"}]], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Plot", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x1", "[", "t", "]"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"t", ",", " ", "2", ",", " ", "500"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"AxesLabel", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", " ", "\"\\""}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ GraphicsBox[{{}, {}, {Hue[0.67, 0.6, 0.6], 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" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"X1", "[", RowBox[{"a_", ",", "b_", ",", " ", "ti_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"{", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fa", "[", RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", " ", "ti"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fb", "[", RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", " ", "ti"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "So for a=k12 = 0.80; b= k23= 0.0078, then ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ StyleBox["x", FontWeight->"Bold"], RowBox[{"(", "p", ")"}]], "(", "t", ")"}], FontSlant->"Plain"], TraditionalForm]], CellChangeTimes->{{3.545219786048807*^9, 3.54521978782721*^9}, { 3.545219866310948*^9, 3.5452199514558973`*^9}, {3.5452200249008265`*^9, 3.545220038816051*^9}, {3.5452203880382643`*^9, 3.545220388459465*^9}, { 3.545221394068431*^9, 3.5452213980152383`*^9}, {3.545221446749724*^9, 3.545221482068186*^9}, {3.545221553750312*^9, 3.5452215854183674`*^9}, { 3.5453251889975986`*^9, 3.545325197702414*^9}, {3.545496495661951*^9, 3.545496504382366*^9}}, TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0], " :{x1a[t], x2a[t],x3a[t]} for t = {10,100,300} are (The computation time, \ in s, is the first value of the Output.)" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"X1", "[", RowBox[{"0.80", ",", " ", "0.0078", ",", " ", "#"}], "]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"10", ",", "100", ",", "300"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "//", "AbsoluteTiming"}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.0624286999999999966948216467699239729`4.815984204662863", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.00006913875429912156`", ",", "0.015720332430981383`"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.00012039575382811488`", ",", "0.012497941099076272`"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.000059003714533012345`", ",", RowBox[{"-", "0.004681991428316042`"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Method 2", "Subsubsubsection"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Quit", "[", "]"}]], "Input", CellID->133054997], Cell[TextData[{ "This method give the solution as function of the unknown parameters (k12 \ and k23) then when are given specific values of k12 and k23 the ODE is \ numerically solved and the derivatives ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["x", RowBox[{"(", "\[Beta]", ")"}]], TraditionalForm]]], " evaluated numerically in each point. To solve the ODE is used the Biomod \ function SystemDSolve (it applies the ", StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant->"Italic"], " function NDSolve)." }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Needs", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}]], "InputOnly"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"SysModel, version 1.4.1 2006-12-19\"\>"], "Print"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"t1_", "?", "NumberQ"}], ",", RowBox[{"k12_", "?", "NumberQ"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"k23_", "?", "NumberQ"}]}], "]"}], " ", ":=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"t1", ",", "k12", ",", " ", "k23"}], "]"}], " ", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "[", "t1", "]"}]}], "}"}], " ", "/.", RowBox[{"SystemNDSolve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1.9404"}], "-", "k12"}], ",", "0", ",", "0.0462"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"k12", ",", RowBox[{"-", "k23"}], ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "k23", ",", RowBox[{"-", "0.05775"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "0"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"34.4", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "200."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"1.09", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "110."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"0.808", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "102."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"6.414", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "100."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"5.458", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24."}], " ", "t"}]]}]}], ",", "0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], " ", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"t", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "500"}], "}"}], ",", "t1", ",", "x"}], "]"}]}]}]}], ";"}]], "Input"], Cell["\<\ Note: Instead of the before function can be used the following function that \ solved analytally the ODE when k12 and k23 take numeric values but the take \ of computation is too longer\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"t1_", "?", "NumberQ"}], ",", RowBox[{"k12_", "?", "NumberQ"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"k23_", "?", "NumberQ"}]}], "]"}], " ", ":=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"t1", ",", "k12", ",", " ", "k23"}], "]"}], " ", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "[", "t1", "]"}]}], "}"}], " ", "/.", RowBox[{"SystemDSolve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1.9404"}], "-", "k12"}], ",", "0", ",", "0.0462"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"k12", ",", RowBox[{"-", "k23"}], ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "k23", ",", RowBox[{"-", "0.05775"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "0"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"34.4", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "200."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"1.09", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "110."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"0.808", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "102."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"6.414", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "100."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"5.458", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24."}], " ", "t"}]]}]}], ",", "0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], " ", ",", "t", ",", "t1", ",", "x"}], "]"}]}]}]}], ";"}]], "Program"], Cell["\<\ We use the package NumericalCalculus to compute the numerical derivations\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Needs", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "We call fa(t1, ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], TraditionalForm]]], ", ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], TraditionalForm]]], ")=", Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", RowBox[{"t", ",", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], ")"}]}], RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], MultilineFunction->None], ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "(", RowBox[{"t", ",", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], ")"}]}], RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], MultilineFunction->None], ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "(", RowBox[{"t", ",", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], ")"}]}], RowBox[{"\[PartialD]", SubscriptBox["k", "12"]}], MultilineFunction->None]}], "}"}]], CellChangeTimes->{{3.545219786048807*^9, 3.54521978782721*^9}, { 3.545219866310948*^9, 3.5452199514558973`*^9}, {3.5452200249008265`*^9, 3.545220038816051*^9}, {3.5452203880382643`*^9, 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TextAlignment->Left, TextJustification->0], "(for convenience we write a1, b2 instead of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], TraditionalForm]]], ", ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], TraditionalForm]]], ")" }], "Text"], Cell["Note that option Scale of ND is used (see ND Help) ", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fa", "[", RowBox[{"a1_", ",", "b1_", ",", " ", "ti_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"ND", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"ti", ",", "x", ",", "b1"}], "]"}], ",", "x", ",", "a1", ",", RowBox[{"Scale", "->", ".01"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fb", "[", RowBox[{"a1_", ",", "b1_", ",", "ti_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"ND", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"ti", ",", "a1", ",", "y"}], "]"}], ",", "y", ",", "b1", ",", RowBox[{"Scale", "->", ".01"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], Cell["\<\ Now we test the method using the same values that in the previous example, \ that is k12 = 0.80; k23 = 0.0078;\ \>", "Text"], 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RowBox[{"m1", "=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"MatrixExp", "[", RowBox[{"A", " ", "t"}], "]"}], "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"k12", "\[Rule]", "a"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"k23", "\[Rule]", "b"}]}], "}"}]}], "//", "ExpandAll"}], "//", "Chop"}]}], ";", "\n", RowBox[{"AExp", "=", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{"#1", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"tau", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "t"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], " ", "&"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{"m1", " ", "/.", " ", RowBox[{"t", " ", "->", " ", RowBox[{"t", " ", "-", " ", "tau"}]}]}], "]"}], ".", RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"D", "[", RowBox[{"A", ",", "k"}], " ", "]"}], ".", RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{"m1", " ", "/.", " ", RowBox[{"t", " ", "->", " ", "tau"}]}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", "1", "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", "\n", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Integrate", "[", RowBox[{"#1", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"tau", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "t"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], " ", "&"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{"AExp", " ", "/.", " ", RowBox[{"t", " ", "->", " ", RowBox[{"t", " ", "-", " ", "tau"}]}]}], "]"}], ".", RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{"B", "/.", " ", RowBox[{"t", " ", "->", " ", "tau"}]}], "]"}]}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", "1", "}"}]}], "]"}], "/.", RowBox[{"t", "\[Rule]", "t1"}]}]}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], Cell["\<\ The solution is the same that obtained using method 1 and 2 but the time of \ computation is longer. \ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"func", "[", RowBox[{"100", ",", " ", "0.80", ",", " ", "0.0078", ",", " ", "k12"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"func", "[", RowBox[{"100", ",", " ", "0.80", ",", " ", "0.0078", ",", " ", "k23"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}], "//", "AbsoluteTiming"}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"99.55020679999999799747456563636660575867`8.018642079822918", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "0.00012039591390788372642303794510216551`11.126693465931497", ",", "0.01249794502258388797302894397758264279`11.086053416726513"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Note that this function is equivalente to the previous function: ", StyleBox["X1[a_,b_,ti_]:={ fa[a,b,ti][[1]], fb[a,b,ti][[1]]}", "Input"] }], "Text"], Cell["\<\ The fastest method are the method 1 and 2. We choose method 2 to be the \ easiest for programming \ \>", "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[" Optimal experiment design", "Subsubsection"], Cell[TextData[{ "We will suppose that ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], TraditionalForm]]], " are unknown, although we know that their values will be about ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], "=", "0.8"}], TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "23"], "=", "0.0078"}], TraditionalForm]]], ". We wish estimate them taken experiment data from compartment 1 . The \ problem consist on decide by DOE the best moment to taken the sample. We will \ use ", StyleBox["D", FontSlant->"Italic"], "-optimal design." }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Method 2", "Subsubsubsection"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Quit", "[", "]"}]], "Input", CellID->15373341], Cell["\<\ Here we will the optimal design experiment computing the derivatives using \ the method 2 that we have yet described\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Needs", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}]], "InputOnly"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"SysModel, version 1.4.1 2006-12-19\"\>"], "Print"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Needs", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "We wish find ", StyleBox["t ", FontSlant->"Italic"], ":{", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "0"], TraditionalForm]]], ",.., ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], ", ... ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "n"], TraditionalForm]]], "} of the model given by eq. (4). (or (5)) using ", StyleBox["D", FontSlant->"Italic"], "-optimal design when the analitycal expression of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", RowBox[{"t", ",", " ", "a", ",", "b"}], ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " can not be found. [f(t, \[Beta]) =", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", RowBox[{"t", ",", " ", FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "on"], TraditionalForm], ",", FormBox[ SubscriptBox["k", "off"], TraditionalForm]}], ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], "]" }], "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "1.- It is defined a model ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"f", "(", RowBox[{"t", ",", " ", "\[Beta]"}], ")"}], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "where the unknown parameters are ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"\[Beta]", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"a", ",", "b"}], "}"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], ". In our case we call ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"\[Beta]", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["k", "12"], ",", SubscriptBox["k", "23"]}], "}"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "." }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"t1_", "?", "NumberQ"}], ",", RowBox[{"k12_", "?", "NumberQ"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"k23_", "?", "NumberQ"}]}], "]"}], " ", ":=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"t1", ",", "k12", ",", " ", "k23"}], "]"}], " ", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "2"], "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "3"], "[", "t1", "]"}]}], "}"}], " ", "/.", RowBox[{"SystemDSolve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1.9404"}], "-", "k12"}], ",", "0", ",", "0.0462"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"k12", ",", RowBox[{"-", "k23"}], ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "k23", ",", RowBox[{"-", "0.05775"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "0"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"34.4", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "200."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"1.09", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "110."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"0.808", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "102."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"6.414", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "100."}], " ", "t"}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"5.458", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24."}], " ", "t"}]]}]}], ",", "0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], " ", ",", "t", ",", "t1", ",", "x"}], "]"}]}]}]}], ";"}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "2.-Now it is computed ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"\[Del]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"f", "(", "t", ")"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"a", ",", " ", "b"}], "}"}]}], ")"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], " = {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"df", "(", "t", ")"}], "da"], TraditionalForm]]], ",", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"df", "(", "t", ")"}], "db"], TraditionalForm]]], "}," }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fa", "[", RowBox[{"a1_", ",", "b1_", ",", " ", "ti_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"ND", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"ti", ",", "x", ",", "b1"}], "]"}], ",", "x", ",", "a1", ",", RowBox[{"Scale", "->", ".01"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fb", "[", RowBox[{"a1_", ",", "b1_", ",", "ti_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"ND", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"model", "[", RowBox[{"ti", ",", "a1", ",", "y"}], "]"}], ",", "y", ",", "b1", ",", RowBox[{"Scale", "->", ".01"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], Cell["\<\ 3.- We need to define the number of points n to be used in the optimal \ design. \ \>", "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "4.- It is evaluated \[Del](f(t), \[Beta]) at points ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], ":{", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "0"], TraditionalForm]]], ",..., ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "n"], TraditionalForm]]], "}, obtaining ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"X", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["X", "1"], TraditionalForm], ",", "...", ",", " ", FormBox[ SubscriptBox["X", "p"], TraditionalForm]}], "}"}], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "with ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["X", "1"], TraditionalForm]]], " = {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"df", "(", SubscriptBox["t", "0"], ")"}], SubscriptBox["d\[Beta]", "1"]], ",", " ", "...", ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"df", "(", SubscriptBox["t", "n"], ")"}], SubscriptBox["d\[Beta]", "1"]], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "}, ..., ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["X", "p"], TraditionalForm]]], " = {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"df", "(", SubscriptBox["t", "0"], ")"}], SubscriptBox["d\[Beta]", "p"]], ",", " ", "...", ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"df", "(", SubscriptBox["t", "n"], ")"}], SubscriptBox["d\[Beta]", "p"]], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], "} . Because the sample will be taken in compartment 1 , we extract of fa \ and fb the derivatives corresponding to ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["x", "1"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"X1", "[", RowBox[{"a_", ",", "b_", ",", "ti_"}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"{", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fa", "[", RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "ti"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"fb", "[", RowBox[{"a", ",", "b", ",", "ti"}], "]"}], "[", RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "6.- A typical election for compute the covariance matrix is assumed that \ that the relationship between samples decays exponentially with increasing \ time-distance between them, that is ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["\[CapitalGamma]", TraditionalForm]]], " = {", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["l", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], "} with ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["l", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], "= exp {\[Rho]|", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["t", "j"], " ", "-"}], TraditionalForm]]], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "j"], TraditionalForm]]], "|}.", StyleBox["For computational purpose we have found more appropriate to use \ the distance ", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->0}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["d", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], StyleBox[" ", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->0}], "= ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], "-", SubscriptBox["t", RowBox[{"i", "-", "1"}]]}], TraditionalForm]]], ", ", StyleBox["instead of ", FontVariations->{"CompatibilityType"->0}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], ", then ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["t", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], "= ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ UnderscriptBox["\[Sum]", "i"], SubscriptBox["d", "i"]}], TraditionalForm]]], " being ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["d", "0"], " ", "=", SubscriptBox["t", "0"], " "}], TraditionalForm]]], ". That is for a two points design", " . We suppose a 3-points design. The first is defined by the user \n\n ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["\[CapitalGamma]", TraditionalForm]]], " where " }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[CapitalGamma]", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Rho]"}], " ", "d1"}]], ",", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Rho]"}], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"d1", "+", "d2"}], ")"}]}]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Rho]"}], " ", "d1"}]], ",", "1", ",", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Rho]"}], " ", "d2"}]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Rho]"}], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"d1", "+", "d2"}], ")"}]}]], ",", SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "\[Rho]"}], " ", "d2"}]], ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], ";"}], ";"}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "6.- Now it is computed the covariance matrix \[CapitalSigma] = ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", "2"], TraditionalForm]]], " ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["\[CapitalGamma]", TraditionalForm]]] }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[CapitalSigma]", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", "2"], TraditionalForm], "*", "\[CapitalGamma]"}]}], ";"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "We will take the first sample at d0=1, when practically all the input from ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["b", "1"], TraditionalForm]]], "(t) has happened" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"d0", "=", "1"}], ";", RowBox[{"\[Rho]", "=", "1"}], ";", RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", " ", "=", "1"}], ";"}], " "}]], "Input"], Cell["\<\ We will also need give the initial values of \[Beta] the standard \ deviation of the measures. We also assumed k12= 0.80, k23=0.0078\ \>", "Text"], Cell["7.- Then we can obtain the information matrix", "Text"], Cell[TextData[{ "M = ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["X", "T"], " ", SuperscriptBox["\[CapitalSigma]", RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], " ", "X", " "}], TraditionalForm]]] }], "Text"], Cell["\<\ m := X . Inverse[\[CapitalSigma]]. Transpose[X];\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"m1", "[", "ti_", "]"}], " ", ":=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Transpose", "[", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"X1", "[", RowBox[{"0.80", ",", " ", "0.0078", ",", " ", "#"}], "]"}], "&"}], ",", "ti"}], "]"}], " ", "]"}], ".", " ", RowBox[{"Inverse", "[", "\[CapitalSigma]", "]"}], ".", RowBox[{"Map", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"X1", "[", RowBox[{"0.80", ",", " ", "0.0078", ",", " ", "#"}], "]"}], "&"}], ",", "ti"}], "]"}]}]}]}]], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{" ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"m1", "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"10", ",", "100", ",", "150"}], "}"}], "]"}], " ", "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"d1", "\[Rule]", "1"}], ",", RowBox[{"d2", "\[Rule]", "3"}]}], "}"}]}]}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2.461335142359876`*^-8", ",", "2.1806075552016602`*^-6"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2.1806075552016602`*^-6", ",", "0.00031277225053157406`"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ 8.- Finally the determinant of the information matrix is maximized as \ function of d1 and d2\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"obj", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"d0_", "?", "NumericQ"}], ",", RowBox[{"d1_", "?", "NumericQ"}], ",", RowBox[{"d2_", "?", "NumericQ"}]}], "]"}], ":=", RowBox[{"Det", "[", RowBox[{"m1", "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"d0", ",", RowBox[{"d1", "+", "d0"}], ",", RowBox[{"d0", "+", "d1", "+", "d2"}]}], "}"}], "]"}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"sol1", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"NMaximize", "[", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"obj", "[", RowBox[{"d0", ",", "d1", ",", "d2"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"0.02", "<", "d1", "<", "100"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"0.02", "<", "d2", "<", "100"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"d1", ",", "d2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "//", "Timing"}]}]], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"242.30075320000000260733941104263067245483`8.40495467743816", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1.3804590332815013`*^-6", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"d1", "\[Rule]", "29.438339447251636`"}], ",", RowBox[{"d2", "\[Rule]", "6.0473904540896175`"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Method 1", "Subsubsubsection"], Cell["We make the same computation using Method 1. 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57, "Input", CellID->38138293], Cell[135318, 4580, 3116, 71, 63, "Text"], Cell[138437, 4653, 1264, 52, 47, "Text"], Cell[139704, 4707, 444, 15, 57, "Input"], Cell[140151, 4724, 837, 26, 64, "Input"], Cell[140991, 4752, 2313, 64, 160, "Input"], Cell[143307, 4818, 126, 3, 43, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[143458, 4825, 455, 14, 57, "Input"], Cell[143916, 4841, 310, 7, 57, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[144241, 4851, 170, 3, 44, "Text"], Cell[144414, 4856, 123, 3, 43, "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[144574, 4864, 51, 0, 50, "Subsubsection"], Cell[144628, 4866, 719, 25, 76, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[145372, 4895, 36, 0, 50, "Subsubsubsection"], Cell[145411, 4897, 71, 2, 57, "Input", CellID->15373341], Cell[145485, 4901, 140, 3, 43, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[145650, 4908, 86, 1, 55, "InputOnly"], Cell[145739, 4911, 70, 0, 43, "Print"] }, Open ]], Cell[145824, 4914, 83, 1, 57, "Input"], Cell[145910, 4917, 948, 38, 43, "Text"], Cell[146861, 4957, 602, 22, 43, "Text"], Cell[147466, 4981, 2141, 61, 171, "Input"], Cell[149610, 5044, 506, 21, 56, "Text"], Cell[150119, 5067, 302, 8, 57, "Input"], Cell[150424, 5077, 297, 8, 57, "Input"], Cell[150724, 5087, 106, 3, 43, "Text"], Cell[150833, 5092, 1667, 63, 100, "Text"], Cell[152503, 5157, 426, 13, 57, "Input"], Cell[152932, 5172, 1779, 65, 182, "Text"], Cell[154714, 5239, 1124, 34, 64, "Input"], Cell[155841, 5275, 248, 8, 43, "Text"], Cell[156092, 5285, 222, 7, 60, "Input"], Cell[156317, 5294, 200, 6, 43, "Text"], Cell[156520, 5302, 172, 5, 57, "Input"], Cell[156695, 5309, 160, 4, 76, "Text"], Cell[156858, 5315, 61, 0, 43, "Text"], Cell[156922, 5317, 212, 8, 43, "Text"], Cell[157137, 5327, 74, 2, 43, "Text"], Cell[157214, 5331, 601, 18, 57, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[157840, 5353, 284, 9, 57, "Input"], Cell[158127, 5364, 267, 8, 62, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[158409, 5375, 118, 3, 43, "Text"], Cell[158530, 5380, 407, 12, 57, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[158962, 5396, 436, 12, 57, "Input"], Cell[159401, 5410, 364, 9, 62, "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[159814, 5425, 36, 0, 50, "Subsubsubsection"], Cell[159853, 5427, 61, 0, 43, "Text"], Cell[159917, 5429, 52, 1, 57, "Input"], Cell[159972, 5432, 444, 15, 57, "Input"], Cell[160419, 5449, 837, 26, 64, "Input"], Cell[161259, 5477, 232, 7, 57, "Input"], Cell[161494, 5486, 264, 9, 57, "Input"], Cell[161761, 5497, 356, 11, 57, "Input"], Cell[162120, 5510, 236, 7, 57, "Input"], Cell[162359, 5519, 236, 7, 57, "Input"], Cell[162598, 5528, 131, 4, 57, "Input"], Cell[162732, 5534, 141, 4, 57, "Input"], Cell[162876, 5540, 282, 9, 57, "Input"], Cell[163161, 5551, 282, 9, 57, "Input"], Cell[163446, 5562, 359, 11, 57, "Input"], Cell[163808, 5575, 359, 11, 57, "Input"], Cell[164170, 5588, 179, 5, 57, "Input"], Cell[164352, 5595, 179, 5, 57, "Input"], Cell[164534, 5602, 957, 28, 92, "Input"], Cell[165494, 5632, 957, 28, 92, "Input"], Cell[166454, 5662, 1124, 34, 64, "Input"], Cell[167581, 5698, 248, 8, 43, "Text"], Cell[167832, 5708, 222, 7, 60, "Input"], Cell[168057, 5717, 24, 0, 43, "Text"], Cell[168084, 5719, 172, 5, 57, "Input"], Cell[168259, 5726, 159, 3, 43, "Text"], Cell[168421, 5731, 61, 0, 43, "Text"], Cell[168485, 5733, 212, 8, 43, "Text"], Cell[168700, 5743, 74, 2, 43, "Text"], Cell[168777, 5747, 495, 15, 57, "Input"], Cell[169275, 5764, 601, 18, 57, "Input"], Cell[169879, 5784, 118, 3, 43, "Text"], Cell[170000, 5789, 407, 12, 57, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[170432, 5805, 436, 12, 57, "Input"], Cell[170871, 5819, 361, 9, 62, "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *) (* NotebookSignature ku0@4Y7lmtC3oB151yvgPGN4 *)